Chapter Four

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"That is the worst Idea I have ever heard" Obi-wan said in mild astonishment, looking to the other council members.

"It is necessary Obi-wan" Windu said simply.

"Grown the boy's strength has. A test we require to gauge how far it has" The grandmaster stated.

"Still, one of you should be more than capable of testing him" Obi-wan pressed, earning a hum from Yoda.

"Unsure of that we are. Strong he has become"

"Performed feats in the force he has, seen them since my youth, i have not" The grandmaster finished, earning a sigh from Kenobi.

"I will inform Anakin....though something tells me Ahsoka wont be too pleased" Obi-wan said with a slight chuckle.

"Right, then there is the matter of Padawan Tano" Windu said as he adjusted his seating position.

"What about her?" Obi-wan asked curiously.

"She will be present for this event, should something cause Zephyr to lose control of himself. She likely would be the only one capable of handling him" Windu explained, earning a look of confusion from Kenobi.

"I'm afraid I don't follow" Kenobi stated.

"A connection they have formed, trust she has earned from him"

"That coupled with her previous experience with....his capabilities. She is our best chance at preventing an outburst"

Obi-wan sighed to himself once more, rubbing his eyes.

"I will let them know"

"Where is Zephyr now? We should get started soon" Windu asked, earning a hum from Kenobi.

"I believe he was summoned by the Chancellor..."

*To Be Continued*

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