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"Owen, stop, we're gonna be late for school," Sutton says as her best friend runs around the house.

"Sutton, I can't find my goat hat. You know I wear it everywhere," He says still running around looking for, said hat.

"It's literally on your head, you dork," She says chuckling and proceeding to take it off his head.

"I- oh, right I knew that," The blonde said nervously as he grabbed his keys.

The two best friends made their way to Owen's car and were soon off to school. Owen and Sutton have been best friends for as long as they could remember. Their parents being friends forced them to get close over the years. And just like that, the two were inseparable. But, if you were to ever see them, you'd think they were a couple. The two deny it all the time but you can see the way they look at each other.

"Okay, I'm going to class now. Meet you here, after class?" Sutton asks as she grabs her backpack out of the car.

"Bye Sutton," The boy says hugging her before walking into the school.

Sutton walks into school, backpack on, and eyes down. High School had never been great for Sutton since everyone had teased her since grade school. You see, Sutton was on the chubbier side in middle school. So when she lost 50 pounds the summer before high school, everyone decided it would be a great idea to make fun of her. They always said 'took you long enough' or 'youre still ugly, fat or not,'

This took a toll on Sutton's mental health and she hasn't been the same since. The only friend she has, besides owen, was Morgan Smith. The two had been best friends since middle school and were basically the same person. Morgan was there through everything that happened to Sutton and she wasn't planning on leaving either.

Sutton made her way to class as she got stares and dirty looks from her peers. She hated that nobody liked her just because she was bigger, she was still beautiful either way. Owen told her every day that she was beautiful until she believed it. Sure she didn't care about what others said about her, but it definitely did hurt.

She walked into her English class and was welcomed with even more stares than before. People couldn't believe she had gotten skinny so fast. Some even thought she had surgery to stop the bullying. Sutton thought it was stupid that people thought she had surgery, like who does that? A lot of people actually.

She sat down in her seat and sat through the 45-minute class, only looking at the teacher. She couldn't look anyone in the eye, afraid they might say something to her.

"Sutton Mercer," Her teacher called, making her jump a little bit. "Would you please read the next passage of Romeo and Juliet for the class?"

Sutton hesitantly shook her head as her classmates snickered behind her.

"Two households, both alike in dignity, In fair Verona, where we lay our scene. From ancient grudge break to new mutiny, Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean. From forth the fatal loins of these two foes, a pair of star-crossed lovers take their life."

Her hand shook as she read, nerves taking over her body. She stopped reading and the teacher moved onto the next student. Sutton quickly shook off her nerves and continued to pay attention to the teacher.

Later in the day, we see Sutton and Morgan sitting together at lunch. Everyone continued to stare at the girl while she ate hoping she would pig out and magically become fat again. 

"Hey there fatty," A popular guy said walking by, causing Sutton to put her head down.

"Hey, why don't you shut the fuck up?" Morgan said as she put her hand on the girl's back.

The boy snickered and walked away. Tears brimmed the girl's eyes as she tried to push them away. Morgan continued to rub Sutton's back as Owen walked up to the table.

"Sutton? What's wrong? Morgan, what happened?" Owen said obviously worried for his best friend. 

"Some asshole came over here just to call her stupid names," Morgan said looking towards Owen.

"Sutton," He said pulling the girl into a hug. "Please don't listen to them. We worked so hard for you to remember you're beautiful, please don't back to your dark place," 

All Sutton did was look up at Owen with sad eyes and bury her face into his shoulder, crying. Owen hated to see her like this. She had finally gotten to a good spot in her life with the bullies just to be brought back down by them again. 

"After school, you're coming over and I'll have something to cheer you up," He said picking her head up, making her look at him.

Sutton nodded and the three were off to their last class of the day. Hopefully, she can make it through.



new story!!

not sure if I want to do it in the format of my last book or not

so if you wanna see a social media/real-life book let me know!!

also go check out my charlie book forever after all!!

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