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"Sutton, please wake up," Morgan said as she held the girl in her arms.

"Sutton..." Owen said as he walked up to the two.

"Owen, go!" Morgan yelled. "You've done enough, you piece of shit. You guys had a real shot at happiness and you do this to her? How could you?"

Owenlooked at her sadly and walked away slowly, Rebecca walking with him smirking to herself. Sutton sat there, unconscious, as her best friend to do everything she could to wake her up. Luke had finally run out with a teacher to help wake the girl up. For what seemed like forever, they finally woke her up and got her on her feet.

"Where is he?" She asked as they walked to the limo.

"I told him to leave. He went with Rebecca," Morgan scoffed.

"He went with," She paused for a second with a look of disgust. "Her?"

Morgan nodded her head as her best friend started to cry. They had finally gotten into the limo when Sutton went silent. She didn't talk on the way to drop Luke off or when the limo dropped the two off at Sutton's house. The two girls got into Sutton's room and that's when all hell broke loose.

"How could he do this to me," She screamed as she ripped off the corsage and threw it down.

"I loved him!" She continued to scream.

She grabbed the picture of them she had hanging up, took it off the wall, and threw it right back at the wall. She began throwing most of his things she had in her room, breaking almost everything. She was screaming and crying so much, she couldn't hear her mother walk into her room with a concerned look on her face. Her mother hugged her, causing Sutton to slowly drop to the floor bringing her mother with her. She began to cry even harder.

"What happened? Why are you breaking all these things?" She asked while she still held the girl.

Sutton stayed quiet and motioned for Morgan to say.

"He cheated on her," Morgan whispered.

Her mother gasped and held the girl tighter. She honestly couldn't believe it. The boy who was like a son to her, someone she never thought would do something like that to Sutton, broke her baby's heart. 

"That mother-," Her mother was cut off by her daughter's loud sobs.

"Help me get her out of this dress and her makeup off please," She said to Morgan as she got up to help.

The two proceeded to undress Sutton, getting her into pajamas, and taking her makeup off. By the time they got her in bed, she was still crying. It felt like she was crying forever. No one could believe Owen would do something like that to Sutton. He was completely whipped for this girl and he just threw it all away like that. No one knew what was going on in his head that night, but one thing they knew was that Sutton had lost all her hope for love.

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