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"Sutton, come on. We're gonna be late," Morgan said as Sutton finished the final touches on her outfit.

It was finally the night of the open mic and she was definitely freaking out. What if people didn't like her song? What if people laughed her off the stage? All she knew was Morgan was making her do this, so she had to. She grabbed her bag and made her way downstairs to where Morgan was.

"You ready for this, superstar," Morgan asked.

"Not a superstar," Sutton laughed. 


The two made their way to Morgan's car. Sutton practiced her breathing, she didn't know how she was doing this but it was freaking her out. She hadn't sung in front of anyone since her father died and this was another reason she was freaking out. But, her music was so special and she wanted to do it for him. They pulled into the parking lot and that's when Sutton's heart started racing.

"I don't know if I can do this," Sutton said not taking her seatbelt off.

"You can and you will. Now come on," Morgan said as she took Sutton's seatbelt off her and basically pushing her out of the car.

"Morgan," Sutton said as she looked at a familiar car.


"That's Owen's car. Why is he here?" She asked quickly panicking. 

"Don't worry about him," She said putting a hand on Sutton's shoulder. "You're gonna go in there and knock everyone's socks off. And show Owen what he's missing,"

But, she didn't want to show him what he was missing. All she wanted was him back, no matter how much he broke her heart. But, she knew she couldn't do that to herself. Once a cheater, always a cheater, she thought to herself. They walked into the coffee shop and it was packed. Her heart began racing even faster and she could feel her palms grow sweaty. People lined the walls of the coffee shop-more people than Sutton had seen in her entire life-crowding together to watch the open mic. She gulped as she felt her throat get dry.

"I need water,"  She said to Morgan who was quick to get her a bottle.

"Sutton, you're going to be fine, I promise," She said looking at Sutton.

"Yeah, you're right. I can do this," Sutton said, somewhat believing herself. 

They sat down at a table as they began to watch some of the people before her. Her nerves began to slowly go away and some of the people really weren't that good. She knew she could do this and that's exactly what she was going to do.

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