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"Owen is just so infuriating," Sutton huffed as she talked to Morgan.

"He really said that? And in front of Charlie?"

"Yep! The nerve of this boy. I swear all guys have is the audacity," She sighed.

"Ain't that right. What did Charlie say?" Morgan asked.

"He wanted to talk about it, but I really wasn't feeling up to it. I think Owen hurt him more than anything. They were best friends and Owen pulls this shit,"

"They're definitely not friends after that," Morgan chuckled.

"Morgan this is a serious issue, no laughing," Sutton said sternly.

"Yes ma'am," Morgan said as she struggled not to laugh.

"I just don't understand what goes on in his head. He sees me happy and that's when he tries to come back into my life. What about when he left me completely broken? Where was he then?"

"Shoving his tongue down Rebecca's throat," Morgan said.

"That doesn't help,"

"Sorry, had to. I already told you I don't like Owen anymore, so,"

"I know, he just doesn't make sense. I love Charlie so much," Sutton said as she sat down on her bed.

"I know, just try not to let Owen affect you," She said.

"I'm trying but it seems like every minute he's trying everything he can to get back into my life,"

"Don't let him. Ignore him. Don't talk to him,"

"Morgan, that's easier said and done. I only talked to him before because he was Charlie's friend. Now it might be easier, I don't even know if they're friends anymore," Sutton sighed. "I ruined their friendship,"

"Sutton, Owen ruined that friendship. They were perfectly fine when y'all got together. Owen fucked that up,"

"I still feel like it's my fault. I'm the reason he was acting like that," She said running her hand over her face and through her hair.

"I know, but you can't blame yourself for stupid things Owen does,"

"Yeah, you're right. I guess I'll see how Charlie felt about it and talk to him. I'll call you later?"

"Yeah, love you," Morgan said before hanging up the phone.

Sutton was in a pickle. She loved Charlie, but why the fuck did Owen keep trying to come back into her life? He cheated on her for God's sake. No one in the world confused her more than Owen. Of course, she didn't love Owen anything but she will never understand why Owen has to do this thing now, especially when they're both about to go back to Oklahoma. He knows he's going to see her around with Morgan. He wants to get in her head.

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