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"Owen?" She asked as Owen stood in her room. "What are you doing here?" 

She instantly ran into his arms, wrapping her legs around his waist. Owen was dressed in his Christmas pajamas, which made Sutton chuckle.

"I wanted to surprise you for Christmas. It wasn't the same without you in LA," He whispered into her ear. "Plus I wanted to tell you something, but that's later,"

"I'm just happy you're here, I've been going crazy," She said hopping down from Owen.

"I know your mother tells me every day," He laughs earning a slap on the shoulder from Sutton.

"Did you wear your pajamas on the plane?" Sutton joked, lightly hitting Owen's shoulder.

"Of course, but I see now that no one is," He said looking around.

"Mom wanted us to dress up, ya know, for pictures," She said smiling at the boy.

"It's a good thing I brought some extra clothes because I'm taking you somewhere after dinner," He said hugging the girl once more. 

The two make their way back downstairs as Owen walks towards the kitchen to get some of the leftover food. Sutton walks over to her mother, embracing her in a big hug. She was so happy that Owen was finally here, and she knew her mother had something to do with it. 

"Did you know about this?" Sutton asks.

"He's had it planned since before he left, wanted it to be special," She said kissing Sutton's head.

"Thank you," She said hugging her mom tighter before going to hug Owen's mom.

@suttonmercer just posted a photo!

liked by morgansmith and 150 others

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liked by morgansmith and 150 others

suttonmercer: bubs surprised me and took me to see Christmas lights :)

tagged: owenjoyner


@morgansmith: glad you liked your surprise 😉

      -> @suttonmercer: YOU KNEW?!?!

      -> @morgansmith: of course I knew

       -> @owenjoyner: she almost told you a few times actually

@owenjoyner: couldn't do Christmas without you :)

@rebecca_wilson: ew wtf

@rebecca_wilson: still fat and ugly as ever I see

Sutton and Owen were currently driving around looking at Christmas lights, and she couldn't be happier. She was happy her best friend was home and that she could spend this time with him. But, he also said he needed to tell her something, which had her confused. 

"So what did you want to tell me?" Sutton asked fidgeting in her seat.

"Hold on we're almost there," He said as she gave him a confused look.


"You'll see," He said as he continued to drive.

As he kept driving, Sutton's mouth fell open. They had arrived at a park that was beautiful decorated for Christmas, she was in awe.

"Sutton," He said looking at her as they walked around, the snow falling on them lightly

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"Sutton," He said looking at her as they walked around, the snow falling on them lightly. She looked up at him as he grabbed her hands.

"I've always known that I had feelings for you, my whole life. But, when I left you to go to LA was when I knew they were truly there. I've been fighting them away, to keep our friendship where it is but I'm done with that. I want you to know how I feel about you even if I lose you in the process," His words shocked Sutton. She couldn't believe he felt the same way about her.

"I have feelings for you too, Owen," She said smiling at him as he hugged her.

He looked into her eyes and then down at her lips and she just nodded. His lips crashed onto hers as they both felt fireworks. They knew this is what they've always wanted and it was finally happening. All those times she spent fighting her feelings away made everything worth it. She finally had the boy she's always wished for.

"Now, let me do this properly," He said as he wrapped his arm around her shoulder. "Will you be my girlfriend?"

Sutton's smile was wider than she had ever smiled before and she nodded before he gave her another kiss. They began to walk through the park once more, stopping every once in a while to take pictures. And just like that, Sutton's happiness was restored. 

After walking for an hour and freezing their butts off, they decided to go back to Sutton's house. The car ride home was filled with god-awful singing and red light kisses. The two smiled more than they normally did that night and they were beyond happy. They walked into Sutton's house and were greeted by their parents cheering for them.

"Did you finally do it, son?" Owen's dad asked as he nodded. "That's my boy,"

I guess they all knew Owen liked Sutton, except for Sutton. She thought it was cute that he told her mother how he felt about her, it made it more romantic in her mind. The only thing she had to deal with was going back to school with Rebecca and without Owen. She was scared, to say the least, but it would only be a week without him, she knew she could do it. But, would this be their happy ending? Or would something or someone ruin it?


this chapter is dedicated to @fictionalboyswife

her comments on my chapters never fail to make me smile and realize why I write these.

I do this for you guys and I cant thank y'all enough for all the support you've given me over the past few months. I appreciate each and every one of you guys so much!

- J

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