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As Sutton sat on the bathroom floor, she heard a faint knock come from the other side

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As Sutton sat on the bathroom floor, she heard a faint knock come from the other side. She just sat there, not wanting to see anyone.

"Sutton," She heard Morgan say. "Please open the door, we're worried,"

Sutton sighed but still didn't open the door. She sat there not knowing what to do. She couldn't let Rebecca do anything to her or Owen. Soon the door was pushed open to welcome Morgan into the bathroom. She sat down next to the girl and pulled in her with her hand around her shoulders.

"What happened?" She asked.

"Rebecca," She whispered.

"What did she say?"

"She basically tried to apologize and said the only reason she bullies me is because she likes Owen," She said with her heart still racing. "Then she said maybe she still does and if she wanted him she could have him,"

"That bitch," Morgan said standing up. "You know for a damn fact she could not have that man. You have Owen so whipped for you Sutton. Now get your ass up, stop moping, and let's go. We don't even have to tell Owen about it," She finished, raising a hand for Sutton to take.

Sutton sighed in defeat and took her hand, immediately being brought into a hug by the girl. She sobbed silently into the girl's shoulder before wiping her tears away and walking out of the bathroom.

Outside of the bathroom stood Owen with his hands in his pockets as he leaned up against the wall. Sutton immediately hugged him tight before pulling away, him brushing her hair out of her face. Morgan slowly signals not to ask about it before they start walking back to the lunchroom.

By the time they get back, lunch is now over and it's time for their last class of the day. Sutton really didn't want to leave the two but she knew she had to do it. She slowly walks herself to her next class and plops herself down into the seat.

The rest of the day seemed to go by fast as Sutton was now walking towards Owen's car. Owen stood leaned up against his car smiling as the girl walked up to him. She quickly went to hug him, wrapping her arms around his neck.

"Hi, baby," He whispered in her ear before kissing her cheek.

"Hi," She whispered back into his neck before they got into the car.

"Do you want to talk about what happened today?" He asked as they got in.

Sutton sighed, "Maybe not today," She said looking at him.

The boy shot her an understanding smile, before continuing to drive to her house. The drive was silent besides the faint music in the background. Of course Sutton wanted to tell Owen what Rebecca said, but she knew it would make things worse. Owen would try and do something and everything would backfire.

She knew deep down that Rebecca could never get Owen, even if she wanted to. But there was something inside her that wonders if she really could. She's prettier than Sutton and obviously has the better figure. That comment just made her overthink her whole life. Of course she knew she had Owen and he wouldn't ever leave her, but the thought always lingered in the back of her head. What if he got bored? What if he got tired of seeing her cry all the time? She couldn't bare to lose him. As they pulled into her driveway, the two got out and made their way in.

"Well hello my wonderful child and second child," Mrs. Mercer said.

"You're home early," Sutton said as she hugged her mother.

"They let me go a little early, didn't need me," She said smiling. "I'm cooking your favorite tonight. Owen are you staying for dinner?"

"Of course," He said smiling at the woman.

Owen absolutely loved Mrs. Mercer's cooking, it was amazing. But don't ever tell his mother about that, she would kill him. Sutton laughed at the two and proceeded to walk to her room, changing out of her uncomfortable school clothes. She stood in the bathroom, looking at her naked body, wondering what's wrong with me?

"He could have someone as beautiful as Rebecca, he might as well," She whispered to herself.

She slowly ran her hands over her stomach and up to her face. She could feel her heart break, she wasn't happy with herself and who knows if she ever will be. She shook her thoughts away and began to change into her comfortable clothes before walking back down the stairs.

"I'm worried about her, Sharon," She could hear her boyfriend say.

"I am too, but her healing comes with time," Her mother said.

She continued to sit on the stairs to hear more of the conversation.

"She had a talk with Rebecca today and after she ran, grabbed her stuff, and ran into the bathroom. She won't even talk to me about it!" He said.

Sutton was confused, she thought he'd understand why she didn't want to talk about. Especially after everything that has happened.

"I understand why she doesn't wanna talk about it, but i'm her boyfriend!" He exclaimed. "I wanna be the person she talks to about these things. I want to be able to help her through everything, but she won't let me,"

"Owen you have to understand that Sutton doesn't like asking for help," Her mother said grabbing Owen's hand. "She thinks it makes her weak and her trying to go through this by herself makes her believe she's tough, when she's not. All you have to do is be there for her, no matter what,"

Owen sighed and looked at Sharon. "I guess you're right. I just want to help her so bad. I miss my Sutton," He said putting his head into his hands.

"I know, I do too," Her mother said.

Sutton took this opportunity to walk the rest of the way down the stairs and make her presence known. She smiled at the two as she grabbed a banana and a water out of the fridge before she sat down next to Owen.

"What are we talking about?" She asked making Owen panic.

"Pasta," He stammered.

"Pasta?" Sutton and her mom both asked.

"Oh yeah, we were talking about how angel hair pasta is superior to all other pastas," Her mother said as Owen sighed.

"You guys are weird," Sutton chuckled as she ate her banana.

Sutton did want to get better, if not for her, but for Owen and her mom. She hated seeing them worry so much about her when she thought she was fine.

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