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"Merry Christmas!!" Abby screamed as she jumped on Sutton's bed

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"Merry Christmas!!" Abby screamed as she jumped on Sutton's bed.

"Abby, what time is it?" She said groggily.

"It 6!" The little girl replied excitedly.

"Is anyone else up," She laughed.

"No, just us," The girl said as she quit jumping.

"Let's go back to bed and wait for everyone else to wake up," Sutton said pulling the covers over her face.

"But I wanna open presents," Abby said pulling the blanket from her face.

"Fine, go wake everyone up," She sighed giving into the little girl.

The blonde sluggishly gets out of bed and puts on the Christmas pajamas her mother bought every one. She even bought some for Owen before he left. Sutton just knew no matter what he was doing today, he was wearing them. It was only a day without him, and she was going crazy without him. They had even spent the night he left on the phone until both fell asleep. She quickly brushed her teeth and made her way downstairs.

"Merry Christmas!" Her mother practically shouts.

"Mom, it's too early for you to be this loud," She said as her mother rolled her eyes.

She sat down next to Abby on the couch as they started passing out gifts. When she thought she was finished opening up everyone's gifts, her mother handed her one more.

"Owen gave it to me the day before he left," She said handing her a small box.

Sutton's eyes went wide, not knowing what he got her. She opened the box and her mouth dropped. It was a necklace, a sun to be exact. And in the box was a note:

'Like the sun, you brighten my days and warm my life. like the moon, you light my path in the darkest hours. thank you for always being my side. enjoy our matching necklaces :)


By the time she was finished reading the note, she was crying. But not sad tears this time, they were finally happy. She grabbed her phone and instantly sending him a thank you message since he was probably busy. Her mother quickly put the necklace on her and smiled.

"That boy sure does love you," She said.

"He's my best friend mom, of course, he loves me," Sutton says laughing.

"Sutton, I see the way that boy looks at you when you aren't looking. He's in love with you," She said sitting next to her daughter.

"Whatever you say, mom," Sutton said brushing off her mother's comment.

Could he be in love with me? She thought to herself. There's no way. She sat on her phone while the kid's opened the rest of their presents, happy to be with family.

By the time dinner had arrived, the doorbell rang. Sutton went to open the door and was welcomed by the Joyner's.

"Hey, Mr. and Mrs. Joyner!" She said hugging both of them.

"Well, Sutton, don't you look pretty tonight," Mrs. Joyner said smiling at the girl.

"Thank you," She smiled back. "I hope Owen's having a good Christmas in LA,"

"He called me earlier and said he was loving it there. We might have to go kidnap him to bring him back," Mr. Joyner laughed.

The three walked into the kitchen as everyone made themselves comfortable at the table. After saying grace, they began to dig into Mrs. Mercer's wondering Christmas dinner. The room was filled with laughter and chatter, but somehow Sutton wasn't laughing with everyone. It had only been a week since Owen left and she was miserable without him. Sure she was surrounded by her family whom she loved, but Owen was also family. It was like apart of her was gone.

"Sutton can you come help me put stuff away," Her mother asked as she looked towards Mrs. Joyner.

Sutton nodded and made her way towards the kitchen. She started putting things away and cleaning dishes, while her mother made small talk, asking her about school and college. She sighed not wanting to get lectured about her grades and started walking back into the dining room when she was stopped by her mother.

"Stay in here for a second," She said looking over Sutton's shoulder to Owen's mom who held her thumbs up.

"Mom, youre acting weird," Sutton said as she looked at her mom.

"We have one more present for you, Mrs. Joyner just put it in your room," She said practically shooing the blonde away.

Confused, she made her way towards her room. She was unsure what other presents they got her but she went anyway. As she walked into her room, she was met with a familiar blonde blue-eyed boy.


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