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"Sutton, you can do this

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"Sutton, you can do this. I promise you," Charlie said as the two got dressed.

"She's going to be laying there in a casket. I was a mess at my father's funeral. I don't know how well I'll do at hers," She said looking at him sadly.

"Baby," He said grabbing her hands. "I know it's hard losing a parent and I wish i could understand what you're going through. But, she wouldn't want you to be sad. She would want you to continue living your life with her watching over you,"

"But, I am sad. She's not here anymore and I feel so damn lost without her. The exact feeling I had when my father passed," She said sitting down on her bed.

"Think of it like this. The cancer isn't hurting her anymore and plus she's with your dad now. They've finally reunited after all these years of being apart. She'd want you to be happy, Sut," He said taking a seat next to her and rubbing her back. "You're going to go into that funeral and put on a brave face for your mother. I will be there every step of the way, I promise,"

"Yeah, you're right. I'd probably be dead without you," She giggled as they got up again to finish getting dressed.

It had been two weeks since her mother passed and Sutton was a complete mess. She didn't leave bed until a few days ago and Charlie was there every step to help her.

Having all of her family in her house, crying, definitely made Sutton more sad. Everyone telling stories of her mother made her miss her even more than she already did. She wish she wouldn't have died after their argument about Owen. Everyday she wished she could redo that day and have her mother leave on a happy note.

Sutton definitely blames herself everyday for her mother's death. It was a combination of the cancer and a heart attack. If she would've just talked to her mother about Owen, she would still be here right now. Though there could have been a million reasons for her to have that heart attack, Sutton blames herself.

Charlie had not left the girl's side since he flew in and he didn't plan on leaving just yet. Though he's been needed for online interviews, he's stayed with the girl every step of the way and she was eternally grateful for him.

Sutton hadn't seen Owen since that day on the plane and she intended on keeping it that way. Though her mother loved Owen, he hurt her so badly that she was never going to forgive him.

She finished putting her black dress on and walked over to the mirror examining herself. Her mother would be so proud of her for finally getting out of bed. It took her a month with her father since they were so close. But this time was easier since she had Charlie.

The two grabbed their things and made their way downstairs to where the rest of her family was. Everyone was clad in black and it looked like a sad fest in the living room.

"Sutton, you look beautiful," Her grandmother said as she hugged the girl. "Your mother would've been so proud of you,"

Sutton smiled at the lady, unsure of what to say. If she were to say anything she would combust into tears and she had finally gotten those to stop the day before.

Before she knew it, she was engulfed in a hug by her little cousin, Abby. She was taking this especially hard since Sutton's mother was basically her second mom. The girl cried into Sutton's stomach, surely leaving tear stains.

"Hey," Sutton said crouching down to look at her. "It's okay to cry, but mama would want you to be happy,"

"I know, but I miss her," She said hugging Sutton even harder.

"I do too. But, you know who gives amazing hugs?" Sutton asked as the girl shook her head. "Charlie. Go give him a big hug, he'll love it,"

The younger girl ran over to Charlie and practically knocked him over with her hug. Sutton laughed at the two as she walked around greeting her family. It was nice having everyone together, but it made her wish her mom and dad were there.

"It's gonna be okay, baby," He reassured her as he walked up to her.

Sutton smiled at her cousin and her boyfriend, thinking about how lucky she was to have him in her life.


"I told you, you could do it," Charlie said as they left the church and got into his car.

"That was much harder than I thought it would be," She said as tears formed in her eyes. "Spoke too soon,"

Before she knew it, the tears were falling down her face full force. She was sobbing so hard, she couldn't breathe. Charlie put his hand on her back and began rubbing it, trying to calm her down. She was doing so well at not crying that day and she finally cracked.

"She would be proud of you. I know i've said that a lot today, but you know that's true," Charlie said grabbing her hand.

"I know, I just wish she was here,"

"I do too, baby," He said continuing to drive.

When they got home, someone was waiting for them on the front porch. They couldn't tell who it was when they pulled up. But as soon as they got closer, they saw it was Owen.

"What are you doing here man?" Charlie asked angrily.

"I just want to talk to Sutton," He said standing up.

"You're not gonna do anything near here," Charlie said standing in front of her.

"If you haven't forgotten, her mom was basically my mom too," He said.

"Owen, You have bigger intentions that talking to her about her mother. I know you," He said crossing his arms.

"Charlie it's okay," She said grabbing his arm. "I'll meet you inside,"

Charlie huffed and proceeded inside, leaving his girlfriend and his ex best friend outside.

"I'm sorry about your mom," He said as they sat on the porch.

She wasn't even sure what to say so she just nodded.

"I want to say i'm sorry for everything. There's nothing i regret more than cheating on you and I have to live with that everyday. I had never loved anyone like I loved you," He said as she played with her hands.

"I'm definitely not forgiving you yet but you need to make up with Charlie. Apologize for that stunt you pulled at the wrap party," She said looking at him.

"But, I want to be with you. It kills me to see you with him,"

"Owen, what we had is gone. I thought you would at least want me to be happy but I guess not," She said. "I love Charlie so much and always will. My feelings for you left the night you kissed Rebecca,"

"My feelings never left," He said looking at her intently.

"Even when you were with Rebecca?" She asked.

"They never left and I don't know if they ever will,"

"Well, i'm sorry Owen. But i'm with Charlie now and i'm so happy," She said as she started to stand up. "The only reason I agreed to talk to you is because that's what my mother asked, right before she died,"

She turned and went inside, leaving Owen on the porch sad. He was so in love with the girl but he knew he was never getting her back.

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