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two months later

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two months later

"This is it, we're graduating," Morgan said as they adjusted their cap and gowns.

"I know, I can't believe it," Sutton said.

"I can't believe you're going to Canada tomorrow to record your album. Why Canada of all places?" Morgan chuckled.

"I don't know, but I'm excited," Sutton said. "I can't believe my song got half a million streams,"

"I told you, you would be famous one day. Now you're going to record an album! In Canada!" Morgan said excitedly as she hugged her best friend.

"Guess I gotta start listening to you now," Sutton chuckled.

"Come on, we're gonna be late," She said link their arms together and walking into the school.

"Our last time in these halls, it's crazy," Sutton said twirling around and taking in the memories of her high school.

"I'm gonna miss it, not gonna lie," Morgan said trailing behind her.

"Honestly, a part of me thinks I'm gonna miss this place. But, with all the shit it's brought me this past year, I'm glad to be graduating and moving on. From everything," She said as she stopped at her locker.

"Even Owen?" Morgan asked.

"Even Owen,"

"Welcome, students, faculty, friends, and family. As we celebrate the achievements of our Class of 2019. These students have worked so hard to get to this point in their lives. From staying up late studying to getting here early for their extracurriculars. This is the last step of your childhood, once you leave these halls you are officially adults. The real world awaits you and what you do with it makes it even better. I am proud to say that you all have made it," Principal Sylvester said as she stood at the podium on the stage. "Now our Valedictorian, Sutton Mercer, will come up and say a few words,"

Sutton smiled and walked up to the stage. She fiddled with her hands as she put her speech onto the podium. She took a deep breath and looked out into the crowd, catching her mother's eyes. Her mother was smiling from ear to ear, she was so proud of her daughter. She knew her father would be so proud of her at this moment and would love to see her daughter walk across that stage and give her speech.

"Wow, look at us. Who would've thought? I remember my first day of freshman year, I was so scared of this place. The building was so big and I was just a little 14-year-old girl. At the beginning of that year, my father passed away. It was definitely a struggle adjusting to high school and the loss of my father. But, if it wasn't for my amazing best friend, Morgan then I don't think I would've made it through high school. And I can't thank you enough for that. High school has definitely not been a walk in the park, but we've all come so far. Today, class, is the last day of our high school careers. We have worked so hard for this moment and I know you are all ready for it. Thank you to our teachers who molded us into the people we are today. Taught us valuable life lessons that we will use all of our lives. I wish everyone nothing but the best in the years to come. Let's graduate!" She said smiling. "Also go stream Drivers License,"

Everyone laughed at her last comment and cheered as she walked back to her seat. The principal started calling out names. One by one, students began walking on stage and getting their diplomas.

"Morgan Jones," Morgan stood up proud and smiled, walking up to the stage.

A few more names were called before it was finally time for Sutton. She wiped her sweaty hands on her gown before standing up and walking behind the students in front of her.

"Sutton Mercer," She stood up and walked to the stage, smiling.

This was her moment. She had been the happiest she's ever been since everything happened with Owen and she was proud to have made it this far. She walked on stage and grabbed her diploma from Mrs. Sylvester, quickly hugging her. She whispered a quick thank you before walking off the stage and back to her seat. The remaining student's names were called and it was finally time to throw their caps.

"Now that everyone's received their diplomas, who's ready to make this thing real?" She asked as everyone cheered. "Congratulations class of 2019, you may now move your tassels and throw your caps! I'm so proud of every one of you,"

Everyone grabbed their caps and threw them in the air. Sutton quickly found hers and made her way to Morgan, grabbing her into a bone-crushing hug.

"We did it!" Morgan screamed.

"Hell yeah, we did!" She said breaking from the hug.

"Don't look that way, looks like Rebecca and Owen are dating now," Morgan said.

Sutton immediately turns around to see the two kissing and hugging. Barf.

"Good, they deserve each other," She said turning back around and walking away with Morgan.

"Sutton, I'm gonna miss you," Morgan said as she dropped her off at the airport.

"I'm gonna miss you more. Facetime every night okay?" She asked hugging her.

"Every night. I love you!" She said as Sutton got out of the car.

"I love you more!" She said as she walked into the airport.

As she walked through the airport, many people were running to catch their flight and some were even sleeping on the floor. She laughed and continued to her gate before sitting down. She looked up and caught the eye of a blue-eyed boy. He was beautiful, she had to admit that. He had brown hair, the most beautiful eyes she had ever seen, and an even prettier smile.

She smiled shyly at the boy and went back to texting Morgan. She had to tell her about this boy. Soon it was time for her to board the plane and as soon as she got to her seat she recognized the boy.

"Looks like we'll be plane buddies," The blue-eyed boy said as she sat down.

"I guess so," She smiled.

"So, what brings you to Canada?" He asked.

"I'm going to record an album actually. What about you?"

"I'm actually from Canada. I was just doing some things in Oklahoma with some friends before I started filming this new show," He said looking at her.

"A show? What show?" She asked, interested.

"It's this new Netflix show, I can't really say much," He said smiling at her.

"Oh, yeah, I understand that. Well, that sounds fun. Oh, I'm Sutton, by the way," She said smiling.


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