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"Sutton! That was amazing," Madison said as she hugged the girl

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"Sutton! That was amazing," Madison said as she hugged the girl.

The performance was pretty amazing and Sutton couldn't believe she actually did it. She was so proud of herself for even getting up on the stage. She was so scared she was gonna okay the wrong note or sing in the wrong key, but she managed to be even more amazing than she already was.

"Thank you guys for being here. It really means a lot," She said hugging everyone, except for Owen.

She gave him an awkward fist bump and turned back to the group.

"Drinks to celebrate?" Charlie asked as he snaked an arm around her waist.

"Charlie, I'm 16," Madison said as Sutton laughed.

"You can drink water, but us adults are gonna get our drink on," He said before turning to Sutton. "You did amazing. I knew you could do it,"

He kissed her cheek before turning back to everyone.  Madison rolled her eyes at the boy and chuckled. Sutton cleared her throat to get the groups attention as everyone's eyes landed on her.

"I say we all go back to my place and we can celebrate there?" Sutton suggested.

"That is such a good idea!" Savannah squealed.

The group made their way to their respective cars and drove to Sutton's hotel. She was nervously fiddling with her dress as Charlie drove.

"You okay, babe?" Charlie asked as he put a hand on her thigh.

"After everyone leaves tonight, I gotta talk to you about something important," She said looking at him.

"We can talk about it now?" He said looking at her as he stopped at the red light.

"I think it'd be better to do it later," She said fiddling with her hands.

"You're not breaking up with me right?" He asked, concerned.

"No! Of course, not. It's just something I've been meaning to tell you," She said grabbing his hand, lacing her fingers with his.

Charlie smiled as he continued to drive. They were both nervous. Sutton, to tell him about Owen and Charlie, about what she needed to tell him. So many thoughts were running through their heads.

"We're here your majesty," Charlie said as he parked.

"Your majesty?" She giggled.

"Yeah, you're a queen. My queen," He said as he kissed her hand.

Sutton giggled as they got out of the car. Charlie intertwined their fingers as the rest got out of their cars. Sutton led them up to her room as they continued to talk about the performance. Her face blushed pink. People talking about her talent always made her feel embarrassed. She always wondered if she was really good as everyone said she was.

"Here we are, Casa Mercer" She said opening the door smiling.

The group walked in and a few gasps were heard. Everyone looked around the room in awe of how big it was. It was definitely bigger than any hotel room they had ever seen.

"Damn Sutton, this is nicer than my whole house," Jeremy said making himself comfortable on the couch. He kicked off his shoes off and planted his feet on the coffee table as it was his own home.

"Make yourselves at home, i'm gonna go change," She chuckled walking to her room, Charlie trailing right behind her like a puppy dog.

"Can i take it off you?" He whispered in her ear.

"They're out there Charlie," She muttered, breathless.

His breath on her neck made her knees wobble. Butterflies were swarming in her stomach looking for a way out.

"So?" He whispered again, playing with the straps of her dress.

She nodded her head as his hands traveled up her body and to the straps of her dress. His cold hands made her body shiver. His touch made her quiver and she always wanted more.

He slipped the straps off as the dress slid down her body. He stood there admiring every feature she had. The freckle she had above her belly button. The tiny butterfly tattoo she had on her hip. He took it all in, he couldn't get enough.

"Jesus," He whispered to himself.

His hands made their way to her waist, lightly throwing her on the bed. His lips smashed into hers and his hands made their way onto her body. Her hands went to his hair, playing with it ever so slightly. His hands went to her underwear, slowly slipping them off making her gasp.

"Oh, Gillespie, just fuck me already,"

"Okay, lovebirds. You guys were in there quite some time," Savannah laughed as the two walked out in different clothes.

"Charlie needed help putting on his pants," Sutton blushed.

"And Sutton never can put her shirt on the right way," He chuckled.

"Mhm, whatever you say ya nasties," Madison said turning back to Jadah.

"Why don't we put on a movie or something," Sutton suggested sitting on the couch next to Charlie.

Sutton grabbed the remote before cuddling into Charlie and putting a movie on. The next hour and a half was spent "watching" High School Musical while everyone made conversation. Sutton felt like a part of the group and she was so happy about it. As the group left, Sutton felt her stomach twist in knots. She was finally ready to tell him about Owen and everything he had done to her.

"So what did you want to tell me babe?" Charlie asked as they laid on her bed.

"I don't want you to get mad that I never told you this. I had some good reasons but you know how I told you I didn't know Owen?" She said as he nodded. "Well we're actually childhood best friends. In high school we dated. Things were great until he cheated on me the night of our senior prom. And I hadn't seen him in months until my release party and i panicked and acted like i didn't know him. He hurt me to the point where I didn't get out of bed for week. Seeing him again made me realize how far I had come from all that hurt and I didn't want to relive that pain. That's why I don't really talk to him when he's around,"

"Oh baby," He said grabbing her hands. "I could never be mad at you for something like that. I understand why you didn't want to talk about it and I'm glad you told me. Now for Owen, he's a dumbass who lost the most amazing girl in the world,"

Sutton smiled and kissed Charlie. She was so happy that he actually understood. She made a mental note to tell Morgan about this in the morning. She cuddled into him and sighed.

"Charlie?" She asked.


"I love you,"

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