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It was finally the day Owen goes back to LA and Sutton definitely wasn't happy about it

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It was finally the day Owen goes back to LA and Sutton definitely wasn't happy about it. Though he'd be back for New Year's Eve just to leave again. The girl sat silent as she drove the two to the airport, not wanting to accept that he was leaving. Owen clearly could tell something was wrong and put a hand on her thigh as she continued to drive.

Of course, she was happy for Owen. But a part of her was scared. When he was home he would help not think about all the things that Rebecca would say to her and with him gone until the second week of school, she wasn't sure if she could do it. Whenever Sutton was by herself, Rebecca had this sort of overbearing power over her. No matter what she thought in her head, she always let Rebecca twist it around.

She was scared as to what Rebecca would do to her now that Owen wouldn't be in school for a week. The week before he left was definitely hard on her and even harder after he left. Having to deal with Rebecca's taunts by herself was draining. She hated that she let herself give into Rebecca but there was nothing more she could do. She was like a helpless child when it came to these things.

"Sutton," Owen said grabbing her hand as she parked. "Youre going to be okay,"

She sighed and kissed his cheek, showing off a fake smile. She didn't want him to know she was scared for him to leave. Scared of walking into the school building by herself. Scared of running into Rebecca. She didn't want to worry him while he was auditioning for the biggest role of her life, she couldn't do that to him. She put on a brave face and proceeded out of the car.

The two walked hand in hand into the airport and stopped at the point Sutton wasn't allowed to go past. She looked at him teary-eyed, not wanting him to leave, and flung herself onto him, her tears staining his shirt. His arms wrapped tightly around her waist as he began to cry silently, not wanting the girl to know he wasn't as tough as he says he is.

"I'll be back for New Year's and we'll have the time of our lives," He said kissing the girl.

She hugged him once more before he made his way to security. As Sutton left the airport the tears came even more than they already were. She sat in her car as she waited for them to stop, but they didn't seem to stop. She decided she was going to drive home, despite the blurry vision. Successfully she made it home in one piece and quickly ran up to her room, where the tears began again.

The next few days were filled with Sutton in her room, not wanting to leave her bed. Owen had only been gone for 2 days and she was very sad. Even though he was coming back tomorrow for New Years', she couldn't help but think about how he would be leaving the day after, which made her even sadder. Her phone buzzed quietly beside her, causing her to jump a little bit. She looked to see what it was and it was a message from Owen.

'Hey, babe, this sucks but I can't come home for New Years''. Auditions got moved up and I need to be here, I'm sorry,' She stared at the message unsure if this was a joke or not. She curled up into her bed without responding and fell asleep, tears stained on her face. She woke up to a knock on her door, quietly telling the person to come in.

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