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talks of suicide

The day seemed to drag on as usual as Sutton sat in her third-period class

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The day seemed to drag on as usual as Sutton sat in her third-period class. The teacher was talking about God knows what but she couldn't focus. Sure she was confident when she walked in this morning, but she was definitely nervous about seeing Rebecca. She hadn't seen her yet and she was thankful, but it was only 11 am.

The bell rang for lunch and Sutton quickly ran to her locker, searching for Owen in the sea of students. When he came into her view, she sighed, relieved he was there. That's when Rebecca got in front of him, making her way towards Sutton. Her face fell and accepted defeat as the girl kept coming towards her.

"Aw, where's your little boyfriend today?" She said as she leaned on the locker next to Sutton's.

"He's actually right behind you," She said which caused Rebecca to turn around fast.

"Oh hey Owen," She scoffed, before walking away hitting her shoulder with hers.

Sutton sighed once's again, still not understanding why Rebecca hated her so much. She put her stuff back into her locker and looked up at Owen.

"She certainly changed her tone when you walked up," She laughed as the two walked to the cafeteria.

Owen wrapped his arm around her shoulder as they continued to walk as they got stares. This wasn't an unusual occurrence. Even when they weren't dating, they would walk everywhere like this. But now that they were dating, everyone seemed to stare more, which made Sutton a little uncomfortable. The two sat down at the table Morgan was at and began to eat.

"Thank God, you're back," She said rolling her eyes. "This one wouldn't shut up about you,"

Sutton felt a blush creep on her cheeks as she glared at Morgan. She kicked Morgan under the table as she received a glare from the girl.

"Ow," She said looking at me. "You know it's true, Sutton"

Sutton looked at her and then to Owen, who was seemingly amused by her embarrassment.

"Hey, it's cute. There's no need to be embarrassed," He whispered into her ear before taking a bite of his sandwich. "Honestly, if you asked any of my cast mates, they would say the same thing,"

Morgan looked at them both and pretended to gag, making fun of their cuteness. The three began to eat their lunches talking about everything, catching up Owen on the latest gossip.

The day proceeded on as usual, slow as hell. Sutton thanked God when the final bell rang. She practically jumped out of her seat and ran to her locker to wait for Owen. Instead, she was met with Rebecca.

"Look, it's little miss perfect without her boyfriend. He's not here to protect you now," She snarled.

"What do you want, Rebecca," She said, obviously annoyed.

"As i said before, you're not gonna get away with that little stunt you pulled the other day," she said inching closer to Sutton.

"Rebecca, it really seems like you're jealous about God knows what," Sutton said as she stared at the girl.

"There's nothing to be jealous about," She snarled. "Just because you got skinny, doesn't make you any less fat," She said and pushed her in the locker before slapping her once more.

"Rebecca I don't understand what the fuck your problem is," She screamed as Rebecca started to walk away.

"I've said this before and I'll say it again, Sutton," She said walking back to the girl. "You've my problem, it'd be better if you just left already. It's not like anyone wants you here. Not even Owen,"

Rebecca earned a slap from Sutton. She backed away unsure if she really did that before she slapped Sutton again and walked towards her friends. Sutton ran out of the school, not even waiting for Owen, and to her house. She couldn't help be replay what Rebecca said to her in her mind. 'It's not like anyone wants you here. Not even Owen,'

She ran up to her room and into the bathroom, locking the door behind her. She slid down the wall, head in her knees, and started to cry. For a second she started believing everything that Rebecca was saying about her. There's no way Owen would want her here, she's too broken to give him everything he needs. Maybe it would be better if she left, then he'd be happy.

She stood up and looked at herself in the mirror. Tears stained her face and honestly, she didn't look good. When she looked at herself, she noticed how her clothes began baggy, indicating she lost some weight. She couldn't tell if that was good or not, she always wanted to keep her skinny figure but this looked more sick than anything. She looked at her phone that kept going off. Multiple texts came in from Owen, wondering why she wasn't at their spot after school. Soon the calls from him began to pour in and she threw her phone at the mirror, breaking it instantly.

She began to cry even harder at this point, tears blurring her vision. Frantically, she looked around for something, anything that would make her pain go away. That's when she found a bottle of Xanax she was prescribed for her anxiety. She shakily opened the bottle before downing more pills than she should've taken. She slid back down the wall as a bang came from the bathroom door.

"Sutton, please open up," Owen pleaded from the other side.

All she could do was continued to cry as she took a few more of the pill and laid down on the floor. Soon she fell unconscious. Owen finally broke the door open and found her laying on the floor. He screamed for Mrs. Mercer and began to lift Sutton into his arms.

"Sutton, please don't do this," He pleaded rocking her back and forth. "Please don't leave me,"

Tears had begun falling down Owen's face as her mother walked into the bathroom and screamed. She gasped and went down to where the two were. She quickly pulled out her phone and called 911. She grabbed some water, lightly splashing it on her face in hopes it would wake her up. When it didn't, the two cried even harder for the girl.

The ambulance finally arrived, taking the three to the hospital. Owen's hand never left Sutton's even though she couldn't physically hold it back. His tears never seemed to stop, even when they got into the hospital.

Sutton's head began to pound as she looked around. 'Where am I?' She thought to herself as she saw a familiar figure in front of her.


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