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Sutton sat in her bed, staring at the ceiling once again

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Sutton sat in her bed, staring at the ceiling once again. When she was home it was like she could get away from all the negativity and bullies. Her room was her safe place, sometimes Owen's room was too. She felt so comfortable in Owen's bed, more than her own. She grabbed her phone, quickly texting Owen so she could sleep in his bed that night. Ever since the bullying started, she spent most of her nights at Owen's, not able to sleep in her own bed. She felt confused as to why her safe place didn't feel safe anymore.

Owen made it to her house within 5 minutes, Sutton quickly grabbing her things. The ride was short and silent, neither of them knowing what to say. Owen could tell she wasn't in a great place right now, but he wanted to do everything he could to help her. Sutton quickly made her way to Owen's bed and made herself comfortable.

"You okay?" Owen asked as he sat next to the girl.

She shrugged her shoulders and wrapped her arms around his torso.

"Sutton, you know you can talk to me right?" He said lifting the girl up so she was looking at him.

"I know," She said.

"Then why don't you?" He asked.

"Owen, even if there was something to talk about, there isn't," She said leaning against the headboard.

"Sutton, I know you're hurting right now. I can see it," He huffed. "I just hate seeing you like this,"

"You think I want to feel like this?" She asked standing up from the bed. "I hate looking in the mirror every day and hating what I see. I worked hard for everything I am today just for me hate it. Rebecca doesn't make it any better either," She finished with tears in her eyes.

Instead of saying anything, Owen engulfs the girl in a hug making her cry even more. Her tears stain his shirt while he rubs her back. She felt safe in Owen's arms, as she did in his house, especially his room. She knew whenever she was with him she could somewhat forget about their problems.

"I'm always here you know that, Sutton," He says still hugging her. "Always."

She sobs quietly into his chest as they stand in his room. They break away and make their way back onto the bed, starting a movie as their usual night routine. With Sutton cuddled up to Owen, a blush appears on his face. He's thankful she can't see his face. Owen knew if she knew about his feelings she would think he was joking, even though he wasn't. But, what he didn't know was Sutton was feeling something for him as well, though she'd never tell.

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@suttonmercer just posted a photo!

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