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"Sutton, you gotta talk to me," Charlie as the two got home that night

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"Sutton, you gotta talk to me," Charlie as the two got home that night.

"Charlie, I don't even want to talk to you right now. I don't know how many times i've told you not to pick a fight him. And what do you go and do? Pick a fight. ON OUR WEDDING NIGHT!" Sutton yelled as they walked into the house.

"I'm just so tired of him trying to break us up, Sutton! Don't you realize that's what he's trying to do?" He yelled back.

"Obviously I can see that, but you can't just fight him over it. I wish you could've just ignored it," She said as she walked into the bathroom to check her mouth.

"I wish I could've too, but he had it coming," He said standing behind the girl, looking at her through the mirror.

"Charlie, I'm with you. I love you. Why does it matter that he was trying to get in between us? I was obviously not going to leave you for him. Unless that's what you think of me," She said cleaning up the blood on her lip.

"What? No! That's definitely not what I think of you, Sut. He just got into my head and you guys have already been together once. There's so much history there so, I was just feeling insecure," Charlie said as Sutton looked at him.

"There's so reason to feel insecure," She said turning around and wrapping her arms around his waist. "Yes, there history there. But, I chose you Charlie. I could've went back to him when I saw him that night at the wrap party. But, who did I marry? Who do I live with? It's all you baby. Always will be you," She said smiling.

"I'm sorry for fighting with him. Is your mouth okay?" He said putting a hand on her cheek, making her wince.

"It will be. But promise me you'll never do something like that again," She said looking up at him.

"I promise," He said holding his pinky out.

"A pinky promise?" Sutton giggled.

"I take pinky promises very seriously, Mercer. Or should I say Gillespie," He said smiling as she linked their pinkies together.

"Sutton Gillespie, I like the sound of that," She smiled, kissing his lips.


Sutton was woken up with a rush of heat and a feeling of nausea. She ran to the bathroom before quickly letting out everything that was in her stomach. Ever since her wedding night she has been feeling sick all the time, thinking it was just the stomach bug.

"Baby, you okay?" Charlie asked groggily as he walked into the bathroom.

"This stomach bug is killing me," She said as she rested her head on the cabinets of the sink.

She looked at him as she started to throw up again. She didn't understand why now she was feeling like shit. She quickly cleaned herself up before getting back into bed and snuggling up to Charlie.

"Your lips looking a lot better," He said putting a finger on her bottom lip.

"Thank God, it's been 2 weeks. I would hope it'd look better by now," She giggled as he rolled his eyes.

"I could get used to this whole husband and wife thing we got going on," He smiled.

"Me too," She smiled back at the boy as they continued on about their morning.


"You guys aren't going on a honeymoon?" Morgan asked that day as they sat at lunch.

"Probably not. We don't need a honeymoon honestly. Plus ive been super sick lately. Planes and sickness don't go together," Sutton chuckled.

"Sick? Like sick how?" Morgan asked eyeing the girl.

"I wake up every morning sick as hell and throw up for a good 30 minutes. Happened this morning," She said as she took a bite of her salad.

"Sutton," Morgan said.


"When was your last period?" She asked as Sutton's eyes grew wide.

"What's today?" She asked.

"November 15,"

"A month ago," Sutton whispered.

"Okay we gotta go get you a test. Have you and Charlie been using protection?"

"We're married, we didn't see a point in it. But is makes so much more sense now. I've been super sick and having really weird cravings," She said as the two paid for their food and left the restaurant.

"Well, time to find out what's going on," Morgan said as she drove them to the store.

Sutton's heart was racing. What if she was pregnant? Could they do it? They love each other so much, but could they be parents? Her thoughts were interrupted when Morgan parked the car and basically dragged her out.

"Okay, we're gonna get you a few just to make sure," Morgan said as she grabbed like 6 tests.

"That looks more than a few," Sutton chuckled as they walked to the counter to pay.

"I'm paying for this by the way," Morgan said handing the guy her money.

The two walked out of the store and practically sped to Morgan's house. Sutton would be happy if the test was positive but she was scared. She was scared of how her body would react to the pregnancy. What if she got sick every single day. She couldn't handle throwing up every morning.

They got Morgan's and she practically dragged Sutton into the house. They ran up to her bathroom, quickly taking out each test. She peed on every single one of them before waiting the recommended 3 minutes.

"Would you be happy if it was positive?" Morgan asked as the two waited.

"Honestly? Yes," She said straightforward.

The 3 minutes felt like an eternity and when the first one was up positive, a smile grew wide on the girl's face. Slowly, every test showed up positive.

"You're gonna be a mom, Sutton," She said smiling at her best friend. "Now, go home and tell Charlie,"

Sutton quickly left Morgan's house, speeding home. She was so excited to tell Charlie.

"Charlie, baby, i'm home," She yelled as she walked into the house.

"I'm in the kitchen," He yelled back.

"Hey my beautiful husband," She smiling before hugging him from behind.

"What's got you so perky this afternoon?" He asked kissing her forehead.

"You might wanna sit down for this one," She smiled at him as he sat down at the table.

"What's up?" He asked folding his hands together.

"So you know how i've been sick lately?" She said as he nodded his head. "Turns out it wasn't the stomach bug,"

"What do you mean?"

"Charlie," She said sitting on his lap. "We're gonna be parents,"

Charlie's eyes went wide before he brought the girl into a hug.

"I'm gonna be a dad?" He asked as he spun her around.

"Yes, you've gonna be a dad,"


a few more chapters left :(

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