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Sutton looked at her phone and sighed. Even when she wasn't in school, Rebecca found a way to taunt her. Whether it was a comment on her Instagram or a text, Sutton still unsure how she got her number. She tried her best to ignore everything she was saying, but sometimes it was hard. Sutton worked hard to get her body the way she wanted, and people were bullying her for it. It took her 4 months of nothing but gyms and diets to finally like the way she looked, not to say she wasn't beautiful before. 

The blonde sat in her room, after Owen dropped her off, just staring at the messages Rebecca had been sending her. She hated that people still saw her as 'fatty' even though she got skinny. She never understood it. If didn't want her to be fat, why didn't they hate her so much for becoming skinny? Thoughts filled her mind as she read every single message, her heart, breaking at each one.

'Maybe your life would be better if you were fat again,'

'You're not wanted here,'

'Owen is only your friend out of pity,'

'No one would want to be your friend if you were fat or skinny,'

'I don't even know why you try'

 And that wasn't even all of them. There were so many that she couldn't even count. She never told Owen about any of these, because she knew he'd freak out and try to fight someone. He was so protective over her when it came to stuff like this and it made her feel a little bit better about the situation. She just still never understood why Rebecca chose to pick on her.

Rebecca and Sutton were actually friends in middle school. They were so close but once eighth grade hit, Rebecca got boobs and Sutton got bigger. After that, Rebecca stopped talking to her and started bullying her. She doesn't understand why, it's not like she chose to be. It devastated Sutton because she not only lost a friend, she lost someone who she thought of as a sister.

Sutton had no siblings. She had been an only child for her whole life so when she met Owen, it was like she had a brother who would always be there for her. Huh. Ain't that something. Sutton has always seen Owen as her older brother, even though he was only a day older than her. Maybe that's why they were so close. She clung to Owen, hoping he'd never leave as Rebecca did.

The sun shined bright into the girl's room as she sat at her desk on her computer. It was time to start applying for college, seeing that she was graduating in 4 months. She didn't even know what she wanted in a career, let alone a college. Her brain was all jumbled as she looked at all the colleges near her, and even some far from home. She didn't want to leave her parents, since she was all they had, but if she had to she would.

After applying to as many colleges as she could, she took a break and laid on her bed. She stared at her ceiling wondering what she did so wrong to deserve everything that was happening to her. Despite everything that was going on, she was grateful she had Morgan and Owen to be there for her. If they hadn't been, she doesn't know if she would be alive right now.

 When the bullying started, it sent Sutton into a great depression. She didn't leave her bed for weeks, despite Owen trying everything he could to get her out of the house. But, she wouldn't budge. She thought she didn't deserve to be in this world, so she would stay in bed. At one point the bullying got so bad, Sutton thought about taking her own life. No one thought she should be there and neither did she. 

Owen found her right before it happened and made her promise she would never try something so stupid again. Though she's kept her promise over the years, it's getting harder every day to keep it. I only have a few months left, I can make it. Right? She thought to herself. She moved her way over to the mirror, studying herself. Sure she was skinny, but she still didn't like what she saw in the mirror. She scanned her whole body, her eyes stopping at her stomach. It can be smaller, she thought. She laid back down on her bed, thoughts roaming her head. Owen would kill her if he knew she was skipping meals. But, who said he had to find out?

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