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Sutton woke up to the sound of her alarm blaring in her ear

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Sutton woke up to the sound of her alarm blaring in her ear. It was finally the day of her big performance at Vogue Theatre and she was definitely nervous. This was her first big performance, so the nerves were definitely there. Sutton rolled over in bed before deciding to finally get up.

Charlie was on set so she was alone. She didn't mind, but it was always nice waking up next to him, though he'd be there after filming. She had thought so hard about what Morgan had said if she should tell him. She figured tonight would be the night. She would tell him after the performance in case it blew up in her face.

She got up and trudged to the shower, still half asleep. The hot water trickled on her face, waking her up slightly. She slowly washed her body, honestly still asleep. She let the hot water roll off her body before she finished cleaning herself up.

It was currently ten in the morning and she had to be at the venue at twelve for sound check and other important things. She grabbed her clothes and brushed her teeth, staring at herself in the mirror. She was finally happy with herself and done with anything Rebecca had to say about her.

She was done with Owen and his bullshit. Rebecca and her bullshit. Life and its bullshit. She just wanted to be happy and she was finally doing it. She wasn't going to let Owen get in the way of her happiness with Charlie.

She grabbed her things and made her way down to the car Katie called for her. She got in and sat in silence as the radio played in the background.

"Good morning, Sutton," Mark said.

"Hi, Mark. How ya doing today?"

"Pretty good. Are you ready for your big performance?" He asked.

"Of course, a little nervous, but I think I'm ready,"

"Well that comes with fame, but I know you can do it," He said smiling "Is the new boyfriend gonna be there tonight?"

"As always," She smiled to herself.

"I'm happy he supports you through all this. That's a keeper right there,"

"I know,"

"Okay, you're gonna sing two songs tonight," Katie said. "Driver's License, obviously, and Lie Lie lie,"

Sutton nodded as they began to play Driver's License for soundcheck. The venue was huge, the biggest place she had ever been in. It looked as if it could fit at least 50,000 people. That's when the nerves came back. So many people would be watching her tonight Could I do it? She thought to herself.

They continued with soundcheck until they were happy with how everything sounded. Sutton made her way towards her "dressing room" as she waiting for Charlie to get to the venue.

Her hands began to be sweaty and her breathing labored. Her hands shook as she began to panic. She didn't even know if she could do this. She wasn't built to be a famous singer like this. It was different when she was alone in the recording booth, only having Katie and Charlie there. But, there would be so many people looking at her tonight and that made her nervous. Tears began to fill her eyes as she sat on the floor against the wall. Panic attacks certainly weren't new for the girl, but she hadn't had one in so long.

"Hey, Sutton, Katie said everything's good for tonight. Are you okay?" Charlie asked as he walked into the room. "What happened?"

"I don't know if I can do this, Charlie," She said as she brought her knees to her chest.

"If they didn't think you could do this, would they have gotten this performance for you? Sutton, you're an amazing singer, I know you can do this. I'm going to be here every step of the way to make sure you're okay, I promise," He said kissing her forehead.

"Thank you," She whispered as he brought her into a hug.

"Now come one, Katie said she needs you in wardrobe," He said lifting her up to her feet.

"And now for the moment I know we've all be waiting for, Sutton Mercer!" Katie said into the microphone as she walked on stage.

"How's everyone doing tonight?" Sutton said into the microphone as she sat on the piano bench. "This is a song, I know everyone knows. So sing along if you do,"

I got my driver's license last week
Just like we always talked about
'Cause you were so excited for me
To finally drive up to your house
But today I drove through the suburbs
Crying 'cause you weren't around

And you're probably with that blonde girl
Who always made me doubt
She's so much prettier than me
She's everything I'm insecure about
Yeah, today I drove through the suburbs
'Cause how could I ever love someone else?

"You guys like it?" She asked as she finished the song. "This is a new one from my new album, hope you like it,"

So they told me all the things that you said
Running all over my name, oh-oh-oh
Andyou'reacting, oh, soinnocent
Like I'm the only one toblame

You've been lying to yourself
Lie to everyone else
Only thinking 'bout yourself
Darling, what the hell?

I know what you say about me
I hope that it makes you happy
You can't seem to get me off your mind, oh
I know you're lying through your teeth
You told them the lies that you told me
I've had enough of it this time

When she finished the last song, she felt as if she was on top of the world. She caugh eyes with Owen in the audience, who was sitting next to Charlie. She adverted her eyes to Charlie and smiled at him. She needed to tell him tonight.


posted just for _Liamssmile  :)

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