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"Sutton, dinner!" Her mother yelled from the kitchen.

Sutton ran down the stairs excited for some food. Her mother had been doing her chemo and Sutton was believing they were working. She practically sprinted to the table, sitting where her mother had put her plate.

"So, when am I going to meet this Charlie?" Her mother asked as she sat down.

"I hope soon. He's had a lot of stuff going on with getting the show out there to everyone, so he hasn't really had any time to himself," She said shoving a fork full of spaghetti into her mouth.

"Well, I would really like to meet him" She smiled at her daughter. "Have you heard from Owen?"

"Mom, I don't want to talk about Owen," She scoffed.

"I know sweetie. But you know his mother and I still talk, she says he's not doing good,"

"What do you mean?" She asked confused.

"She said ever since he got back to Canada, he hasn't left his room," She said studying her face. "Why didn't you tell me he was there too?"

"It wasn't important honestly. I barely talked to him," She said rolling her eyes.

"I think you should talk to him,"

"Mom, you do realize which Owen we're talking about right? The one that CHEATED on me?" She said tossing her fork onto the plate.

"You guys are in love, Sutton," Her mother said sighing.

"The only thing I was in, was in denial. Mom, he cheated on me and proceeded to date the girl he cheated with! I am not going to talk to him," She exclaimed.

Sutton saw the fear on her mother's face as soon as she passed out. She ran to her mother so fast.

"Mom, wake up. MOM!" She yelled.

She quickly grabbed her phone and dialed 911 before slowly rocking her. She tried everything she could to wake her up, but nothing was working. She called Morgan as fast as she hung up with 911. The ambulance arrived and drove her mother away, leaving her a mess in Morgan's arms. She didn't know what to do, she thought the chemo had been working.

The two got into Morgan's car and drove to the hospital, a tear never leaving Sutton's eyes. The hospital was busier than normal, which was confusing to the girls, nothing ever happens in Norman. They rushed inside and to the front desk to see where her mother was. Morgan did all the talking since Sutton was a hysterical mess.

"Sharon Mercer?" Morgan asked as they approached the front desk lady.

"She's in 105b," The lady said as they nodded and ran to the room.

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