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"Yes, Morgan

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"Yes, Morgan. He's here. In Vancouver!" Sutton exclaimed over the phone.

"I thought he was filming in LA?"

"That's what he told me! Then he showed up at my release party last night. I acted like I didn't know him," She exclaimed, frustrated. "I'm finally moving on and he decides to come back into my life like this!"

"Sutton, it's okay. I'm almost positive he and Rebecca are still together. Just pretend like you don't know him and definitely don't tell Charlie you do," She said.

"Good idea. It's gonna be hard but I can do it, right?"

"Of course you can do it! You're my best friend, you can do anything!" Morgan smiled from the other side of the phone.

"I gotta tell you something," Sutton said nervously.

"What's up?"

"Charlie wants me to stay in Canada until the end of filming, so I can be there for everything,"

"WHAT?" Morgan yelled.

"I know, I know. But this relationship is so new and I wanna be there for him, so I said yes. I won't be home until maybe February,"

"Sutton, that's in like 8 months!" She exclaimed.

"I know, I'm sorry. Maybe you could come to visit for a few weeks?" She asked.

"I definitely want to, I'm not sure when though,"

"You figure it out and we'll make it work,"

Sutton hung up the phone and flopped on her bed. Owen being in Vancouver only made her more stressed than she already was. With the album coming out and helping Charlie run lines, she's been stressed to the max. She couldn't believe that he was here, especially after she was moving on. She was so happy with Charlie, she couldn't let Owen ruin that.

"Sutton!" Katie said as Sutton walked into her office.

"Hi, Katie," She said sitting down.

"How would you feel about another album? And maybe a performance next week?" She said as Sutton's mouth dropped.

"My album just came out? Is that enough time to put out another one? and a performance?"

"It wouldn't come out for 6 months, but you would start recording it now. There's a performance at the Vogue Theatre next week that I think you would love!" She said excitedly.

"Of course! I'll do both!" She said.

"Okay, you start recording a week from today and I'll send you the info for the performance tonight," Katie said as Sutton stood up.

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