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It was finally the end of the school day and Sutton couldn't be happier

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It was finally the end of the school day and Sutton couldn't be happier. She grabbed her things from her locker and made her way towards Owen's car.

"hey, Sutton," A group of girls said as she walked by.

"Oh, come on fatty. We're just being nice," Another girl said as Sutton ignored them.

"Hey, when I'm speaking to you, you speak back," A girl said grabbing Sutton's shoulder and turning her around.

"I don't want to speak to any of you, Rebecca" Sutton spat.

"Well, that's too bad then," Rebecca said pushing Sutton to the floor. "Now stay down there, fatty,"

The group of girls laughed and walked away, leaving Sutton on the ground. She looked down at her knee, which was now bloody. She quickly wiped it up with her sleeve and kept walking to Owen's car.

"What took you so long?" Owen asked as Sutton got into the car.

"I realized I left a few things in my locker," She lied biting her lip. She couldn't let him know what those girls did, he would flip.

"Why is your knee bloody? Sutton, are you lying to me?" He asks as he touches her knee making her wince.

"It's nothing, I'm fine Owen," She says moving his hand away.

"Sutton, this is something! You can't let these girls keep doing this to you!" He exclaimed, throwing his hands up.

"Owen, what can I do? No matter what I do, they throw it in my face!" She yells as tears leave her eyes.

"I understand what they're saying hurts, but you can't keep letting them hurt you like this," He says taking the girl's hands into his. "I hate seeing you like this,"

He wipes the tears from her face and kisses her head before driving them to his house. Sutton was confused, but then remember he said something about cheering her up. The drive to Owen's was short and sweet and they were there in a matter of 5 minutes. The two walked into the house, saying hi to his mother before heading up to his room.

"So, what is this cheering up thing you got going?" Sutton asks looking at the boy confused.

"Movie night, courtesy of me," He says doing jazz hands, making the girl laugh.

The two got into Owen's bed cuddling up to each other while he turned on the tv. Sutton looked at her best friend and smiled, she was lucky to have someone who was there for her through her good and bad times.

"I also got your favorite snacks and drinks," He smiled and handed the girl her treats.

"Okay, youre the best. But, don't tell Morgan," She said grabbing them from his hands and digging in.

By the time Sutton was halfway done with her bag of chips, her heart sunk. She looked at the chips and sighed. No these weren't going to make her fat instantly, but she knew if she kept eating she wouldn't stop. She rolled up the bag and put it on her nightstand, not wanting to eat anymore. Sutton had fallen asleep halfway through the movie, leaving Owen to finish her snacks.

He looks at her, peacefully asleep, and smiled to himself. He wanted to do everything in his power to make sure she was happy again, even if that meant keeping his feelings to himself. But, he was ok with that.

or so he thought.

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