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Sutton sat in her bed on the last day she was meant to stay home from school

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Sutton sat in her bed on the last day she was meant to stay home from school. She wasn't dreading going to school, but she didn't want to be stared at. She couldn't believe some people actually thought she was pregnant, i mean she is still a virgin. She sighed and made herself comfortable in her bed, before texting Owen. He had been keeping her up to date on what she was missing in her classes and even brought her some of the work.

Rebecca has been completely ignoring Owen, only giving him dirty looks in the hall. Sutton really didn't even want to face her, she was scared of what she would say. Would she still bully the fuck out of her even though she just tried to kill herself? So many questions ran through Sutton's head as she sat in her bed. She missed Owen the most when he went to school. She felt so lonely in her room, since her mother was at work around the same time.

Whenever Owen would go see Sutton, her face would perk up and she'd be ten times happier. She was struggling to be okay with herself, but he's been helping her so much and she couldn't be more thankful for someone like Owen. As she scrolled through her instagram, she began to see less and less mean comments from Rebecca and more nice comments from everyone else, saying how much they miss her and hope she's okay.

Sutton smiled to herself and couldn't believe some people actually were worried about her, though there were still people who hated her for the same reasons Rebecca did.

Now today was the day Sutton would face her fear and finally go back to school even though she was dreading it. She got up out of bed early and made her way to the shower. As the shower ran, she looked at herself in the mirror. She didn't realize how pale and thin she had gotten over the week, only eating soup and drinking water.

She quickly hopped into the shower, taking her time to wash her hair and body. Soft music played in the background as she just enjoyed her own company before she would be bombarded at school. She turned off the shower before going to get changed.

Was she nervous? Oh that was an understatement. She was terrified. Terrified of the looks. Terrified of the whispers. Terrified to she Rebecca. She knew one way or another, she would get to her. Soon there was a knock on the door and Owen appeared, making her smile grow wide. She wrapped her arms around his shoulder and squeezed him hard. She did love this boy.

"Hello my beautiful girlfriend," He said as they broke the hug.

"Hello my weirdo boyfriend," She laughed as she grabbed her things.

"You ready for the hell called school," He said grabbing her hand.

"Ready as I'll ever be," She sighed.

They walked down the stairs hand in hand and out the door. The usual car ride was filled with lots of music and windows rolled down. Good thing i brought a brush with me, she thought to herself. As they pulled into school, her heart started racing and her breathing became faltered.

I can't do this, she thought to herself. She soon felt Owen's hand grab hers as he gave her a reassuring look. He knew actually what she was thinking about and for that she was grateful. The two got out of the car, Owen quickly grabbing her hand, and walked into the school.

She took a deep breath as she walked into the halls as everyone stared at them. She put her head down and continued as Owen led them to her locker.

"I'm gonna go to my locker and head to class," He said kissing her forehead. "Please text me or call if you need anything,"

She smiled at him and nodded as he walked down the hall. She could do this right? All she had to do was avoid every state and keep walking. She quickly grabbed her books and practically ran to her first class. When she walked into the class, everyone began to look at her and whisper. She ignored it and walked straight to her seat, not wanting to hear anybody today.

The day seemed to drag on and all Sutton wanted to do as be in her bed. She didn't want to see everyone staring at her, but she knew she had to be here not only for herself but Owen. As the bell rang for lunch, she walked to her locker and began putting her books in as she waited for Morgan and Owen.

"There's my best friend," Morgan said as she walked up to the girl and hugged her.

"I missed you," Sutton said as they broke apart.
Morgan smiled at the girl as they continued their small talk, still waiting for Owen.

"We'll look who finally decided to show up for school," Rebecca said as she walked up to the two. "Heard you were pregnant, wasn't surprised,"

Sutton scoffed and rolled her eyes. "I'm not pregnant, but wouldn't be surprised if you were," She said and Rebecca's eyes went wide.

The two fake smiled at Rebecca and walked down the hall and to the lunch room. She quickly texted Owen and told him to meet them there so they wouldn't have to talk to Rebecca anymore.

The lunch room was overly loud as usual when the two girls walked in. They walked over to their normal lunch table and began to eat. A few minutes later, Owen appeared and sat next to Sutton. The three began eating and their normal conversation.

"Mercer, we need to talk," Rebecca said as she walked up to the table.

"And what makes you think I wanna talk to you," She said as Owen gave Rebecca a death glare.

"I just want to talk, that's all," She said pleased Sutton.

Sutton sighed, giving Owen a reassuring look, and walked with Rebecca. Why did Rebecca want to talk to me? She thought to herself. She continued to walk until they were outside of the lunch room.

"Why did you wanna talk," Sutton asked as they stopped.

"I wanted to apologized," She said which made Sutton scoff.

"You? Apologize? Did hell freeze over or something?" She said as she chuckled.

"I'm being serious," Rebecca continued. "I was really only mean to you because i've always had a crush on Owen and I knew he liked you. I didn't want to believe it because i liked him so much, but everyone could tell," She said as Sutton stood there shocked.

"Y-you liked Owen?" She stammered.

"Yeah and who knows, maybe i still do. And i know if i wanted him, i could have him," Rebecca said as she walked away, hitting Sutton's shoulder in the process.

Sutton stood there, unable to comprehend what the fuck had just happened. Rebecca really wanted to give her a backhanded apology. She couldn't wrap her mind around the fact that Rebecca liked, likes, Owen. Her heart sunk as she walked back into the lunchroom. She quickly grabbed her things and ran out.

What am i gonna do? she thought to herself.

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