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Sutton woke up to her phone ringing, unsure of who could be calling her this early in the morning

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Sutton woke up to her phone ringing, unsure of who could be calling her this early in the morning.

"Hello?" She said, still half asleep.

"Babe!" It was Owen, who was weirdly hyper for it being 4 am in LA.

"Hi Owen," She smiled to herself.

"I got the part! You're looking at the new drummer of Julie and the phantoms!" He practically screamed through the phone.

"Oh my gosh! That's amazing, babe. I knew you could do it,"

"I couldn't have done it without you though," He said, causing butterflies to swarm in her stomach. "Anyways, I'm gonna let you get back to sleep. I'll talk to you later okay?"

"I'll talk to you later," She said before hanging up and making herself comfortable once again.

Her eyes slowly closed and she fell asleep, only to be woken up by her alarm an hour later. She sighed and got up from her bed, going to take a shower. With the good news Owen had told her, it made her a little less nervous about going to school. Knowing that Owen had got the role of his dreams made her feel happy inside.

Things hadn't gotten easier with Rebecca since a few days before and Sutton was tired of it. But like before, there's nothing she can do about it. She's stuck too deep into this. But, she was glad Owen was coming home on Saturday. That's the only thing that has been getting her through the week.

She slowly trotted down the stairs and made her way to her car. She sighed, starting it as she drove off to school. The music was blasting in her headphones to drown out the conversations of the students as she walked down the hall. She really wasn't trying to see Rebecca today. She luckily made it to her locker without any sight of her and she let out a huge sigh of relief.

"You miss me, Fatty?" The girl said as she slammed Sutton's locker shut before walking away.

"What the fuck is your problem Rebecca? Seriously? What did i ever do to do for you to hate me so much?" She said causing Rebecca to stop in her tracks and turn around.

"You. You are my problem, Mercer. You think you're so special because you lost weight. Well, news flash, you're still ugly!" She screamed at the girl.

"Do you not remember when we were best friends? What happened to our promise we made each other?" Sutton asked.

"Fuck our friendship and your stupid little promise," Rebecca said as she was turning around.

"You've just jealous!" She shouted at the girl, making everyone's head turn.

"Me? Jealous?" She scoffs. "Of what?"

"In middle school, you tried your hardest to lose weight but you had no luck. But, i did it and you're jealous of what you could do!"

And with that last statement, a slap was brought to Sutton's face knocking her down.

"I am not and never will be jealous of an ugly bitch like you, fatty," Rebecca said crouching down to the girl and spitting on the ground next to her.

Sutton sat there, shocked that she finally stood up to the girl. But, she knew that wasn't going to be the last of her. She pulled herself up and quickly walked to her next class, avoiding every eye that was on her.

"Mrs. Mercer, you're late," Her teacher said as she walked into the classroom.

She mumbled a 'sorry' and hurried to her seat as the teacher continued teaching. Everyone's eyes were on her. She shoved her nose in her book, trying to avoid everyone's stares. No one has ever gone off on Rebecca like that and they knew it wasn't going to end well. That slap was just the beginning of what she had in store for Sutton.

The day went on slowly as Sutton tried to forget about the recent events. When the final bell rang, she hurried to her car in hopes of not seeing the girl who hated her the most. As she was walking towards her car, she felt a hand wrap around her wrist, pulling her around to look at the person. It was Rebecca.

"What do you want, Rebecca?" Sutton asked through her teeth. She really wasn't in the mood for more bullshit.

"You're not going to get away with that little stunt you pulled today," She said, her hand still on her wrist. "So I'd watch your back,"

Rebecca pushes her to the ground before walking off. Sutton sighed and got up, walking to her car. She was happy she only had two more days until Owen finally came home, he would be proud of her for sticking up for herself. Now, let's hope this bruise goes away before he gets home.

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