Chamber of Secrets- Part 9

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4 Privet Drive

Victoria's Closet

12:36 am October 31, 1988

I'm only 8. 8 and great. I looked at the clock that I stole from Aunt Petunia and hung in my tiny closet. My closet is a little smaller than Harry's cupboard. I wasn't tired.

I was alone.

Aunt Petunia told me once that my parents died in a car crash on today, Halloween. Petunia says that me and Harry can't dress up because she doesn't believe in it.

I don't understand anything.

I heard Harry moving in his sleep. This has been happening a lot and I have gotten used to it. But tonight was worse. There was more muffled and movement.

I got up and opened the closet door. I crawled across to Harry's cupboard and opened the tiny door. He fell out but I caught him before his head hit the floor.

I shook Harry awake and he was startled, so his eyes jolted open. He breathed heavily and panted.

"Are you okay?" I worriedly muttered.

"Y-yeah, I had a horrible dream. I heard screams and green light. I was a woman who got hit with a green light." He started to tear up and his heartbeat got faster.

"Hey, hey. It's okay, you are okay. You are with me. We are okay. Calm down." I said rubbing his hair.

"O-okay, b-b-but I can't fall asleep again." He stutters and lays down.

"Try." He closed his mouth.

I started to sing a song I heard on the tv from my childhood. The song is from the show The Muppet Show, the song is called "Rainbow Connection". I sang-whispered it and did it slowly. I sang it like a lullaby and he fell asleep.

I remember a man singing it to me. He had cuts on his face and had short brown hair. Maybe dad? No. Petunia said once that Harry looked like dad. This man's hair was lighter.

I went to bed after Harry. Every time Harry had a nightmare he'd get me and I'd sing. It always worked. No matter if we argue, I will sing. I love that boy and he loved me. He is my bro and I'm his sister.

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