Part 74

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  • Dedicated to BigBlueBerryBear (@Ana_sketchbook)

*** Avi reference pic by BigBlueBerryBear (@Ana_sketchbook). Love ha. ***


"I mean it, Avriel."

"Yes ma'am."

I sat on our couch watching Esther lecture Avi about missing Pentatonix rehearsals. He looked like a kid. He was sitting with Esther at our dining room table. He had one hand lying across his knees and the other dangling between them. His toes were together, but his heels were apart, creating this triangle of space from his toes to his open knees. I had almost never seen him that small. That same pesky hair was hanging in his face, even though he'd tried diligently to brush all of his hair back. I was tempted to go over and pull the hair back myself, but he hated when I did that.

"Alright. You're free to go."

Avi jumped up from this chair and pushed it in slowly before walking over to the rest of us with this evil grin on his face.

"Welcome back, Playa."

"Glad to be back, Kev."

The two opened their arms and embraced. Kevin rocked slightly, patting Avi's back with his fist, the way he does. Avi laughed a little and patted Kevin's back with his open hand. The pair sat down on the empty coffee table facing Scott, Kirstie and me.

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