Chapter Thirty Five

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.A blur of milky white was all I could see when I opened my eyes, beyond the blur I could see the far wall of my bedroom and the Taylor Swift posters that adored it. Sometimes I wished everything couldjust go back to the way it was before Taylor and he family entered my life. Today was Sunday the 19th of October, Taylor's new album was coming out in just over a week and I knew I wouldn't be able to see her again for quite sometime.

As my thoughts shifted back into reality I noticed that the blur above me had changed as my eyes adjusted to the lighting. Instead of a blur I could now make out the goofy smile and bright blue eyes that belonged to non other than those of Taylor Swift.

"Good morning Audrey " Taylor says in her sing song voice "rise in' shine sleepy head, I need your help packing. Gotta be at the airport at two!" Groaning I roll over burying my face into my pillow. Honestly I had hoped this day would never come, Taylor had been a constant in my life over the lasttwo and a half weeks and now she wasgoing to be gone. I had to go bqck to school tomorrow, something I wasn't looking forwards to as I knew rumors would be flying everywhere and that most of the gossip would be centered around me.

"Why do you have to go? " I mumble into my pillow as I feel Taylor's hand run through my hair.

"I know im sorry" Taylor murmers "if I could I would stay here in Chicago forever with you and your adoring family" smiling I flip over looking up at the Celling.

"That sounds like a cheesy love story" I say laughing as Taylor chuckles.

"Nah" she replys "I'll save that for you and Austin"

"Shut up" I say pushing her playfully, as we both tumble out of bed toggether land with a thump on my bedroom floor.

"Breakfast" I sing out trying to sound  cheerful as me and Taylor stumble downstairs.  Walking into the kitchen our senses were quickly awaken by the beautiful smell of cooked food that was set in piles on the table. Everyone was already seated, me and Taylor, like usual were the last to arrive. Mom and Andrea had out done themselves this time.

"Morning girls" Scott calls out from the head of the table "help yourself to everything!"

"This is our goodbye feast" Andrea chimes in after taking a bite out of what looked to be a hash brown.

"Its not goodbye" Taylor says as she spoons fruit salad into her bowl, of course Taylor was opting for the fruit.

"Yeah" Austin agrees "its more of a see you later"

The morning went by very quickly, the whole Swift family was very flustered and had come with a lot more belongings than what I had first noticed. Me and Taylor  spent about an hour trying to fit everything into Taylors two suitcases and we still weren't quite there.

"Almost" Taylor giggles as she yanks on the zip again trying  to squeeze everything inside "come on Audrey  jump like you mean it, your such a light weight!" I was jumping on the suit case while Taylor was zipping it up trying to squash  everything  inside. We had managed to do the first one no problem but this one was proving a lot more difficult.

"Your calling me a light weight?" I say eyeing Taylor as she finally gets the zip to pull through.

"Well..." Taylor starts only to be cut off by Andrea yelling at her from downstairs, it was time for them to leave, their taxi was waiting.

"Come here" Taylor says as she pulls me in for a hug much like the one she had given me when we first met and similar to the one she had given me after I had woken up from my panic attack.

"Im gonna miss you Tay" I mumble into her chest  feeling her heartbeat against my ear.

"Im gonna miss you too Aud, we've definitely had our ups and downs but I think these two weeks have been amazing"

"Me too" I agree as we pull away, tears pooling in both of our eyes.

"Come on, Moms waiting" Taylor says as she leads me down the stairs one last time.

At the bottom were greeted with the rest of Taylor's family, Austin was piggybacking Tiger who didn't want to get down and Libby was clinging to Andrea for dear life.

"Thankyou so much for coming!" Mom says as she swoops into the room a box of chocolates in her hands "this is for you" she says passing it to Andrea "the kids and I had a lovely time with you here" Mom says before prying Libby away from Andrea.

"Libby, Tiger its time for you to let go. The swifts need to leave now." Mom says sternly as Tiger climbs off Austin.

"Bye Tay" I say pulling her into one last hug as she follows her parents out the door and onto the street.

It was now just me and Austin standing in the doorway, watching as both our families fussed around the taxi.

"Bye Audrey" Austin says speaking first "im gonna miss my little princess"

"Im gonna miss my Austin too" I coo pinching his cheeks, pulling me into a hug I look up at him tracing his face one last time before his lips meet mine. They tasted like chapstick and a summer breeze, it was bliss something I didn't wanna let go of.

"Goodbye" we both whisper, pulling away. Austin briefly cupping my face before turning and joining the rest of his family.

From the doorway I watch as the taxi pulls away from the curb and down the street, into the distance.

Maybe they were right, maybe it wasn't goodbye but instead a simple see ya later?

And that my dear readers is the end of one amazingly fine book.
Nah im just kidding that is the end of part one, and because this is the end of part one I have a little something special for you all.
Remember how I said I would do a chapter in Taylor's POV well I keep my promises so heres what im going to do, I've got three chapters that I think would be interesting in Taylor's POV, you pick which one you want out of the three, the one picked most is the one I will write. I will be uploading it along with Part Two fairly soon, maybe in the next week or so. Okay so your options  are (go back and skim read these chapters if need be):
Chapter 3: Audrey and Taylor meet for the first time.
Chapter 14: Taylor  and Eds conversation at Eds concert in Chicago.
Chapter 29: When Audrey goes to the club and Taylor is at home worried.
Alright guys so thats your choices, if you do want something else just tell me and I will consider it. Stay tuned for Part two, big plot twist:)
~Cait ~

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