Chapter Five

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I was sitting on my bed Indian style next to my Mom who was petting my hair, and talking gently to me trying to smoothen out the Swift mess that she had created by not telling me anything.

Taylor was sitting on the floor by the door resting her head on the wooden frame amlesly scrolling through her phone only half listening to the conversation at hand.

"Do you remember anything from New York?" Mom asks looking at me with a puzzled expression on her face. I don't reply to her question, I simply just shrug my shoulders leaning my head back against the wall, I remember a lot of things from New York especially the perfect girl that I met in the shopping mall.

When I was four I remember my Mom and Dad flying out to Pennsylvania for a couple of days, we lived in New York at the time so it wasn't really a big deal, I had to stay with old Lady next door for 3 days and I swear she owned more cats than furniture. I remember Mom saying they were going to vist some friends of theirs,  I remember them saying they had a son a few years older than me and a daughter about 8 years older than me. She'd said that one day they'd come stay with us in our apartment here, I remember thinking at the time that our apartment was far to small for four more people to come stay with us, but I didn't have to worry about that because they never did come stay with us. But I did get to meet them, it was a brief meeting,  the kind of one where you bump into someone you know at the shopping mall and you stop and talk to them for a couple of minutes. They were in NY for their daughter who was doing some Broadway Kids thing. Their daughter was perfect and left little to ponder over, but I think the reason I don't remember her much is because I never knew her, but I wanted to know her, she was older and cooler than me and I thought she was amazing, I'd even told her so the first time I ever met her. You know when your little and you see all the older girls and you think 'wow I wish I was like that' well thats what she was to me.

Mom said one day that they'd moved to Tennessee, I was maybe five or Six then and to be honest I had absolutely no clue as to where that was, maybe it was because I was so little or maybe it was because I didn't won't to know.  All I knew was that it was a little bit further away than a 6 hour drive, the amount of time it took to drive to Pennsylvania from New York.

But then we moved too, well away from New York and the comfort of our two bedroom apartment. We moved to Chicago,  Illinois, Mom had family there, well I guess their my family too and she was expecting the twins. I think she finally found out what I had known since the age of four, a two bedroom apartment was not big enough for four more people,  even though it was only going to be two.

We brought a modest house on the outskirts of Chicago in a suburb called Barrington and that's where we've stayed ever since.

"I've met them before" I blurt out after sitting in silence for five minutes,  Taylor looks up suprised and my Mom, just nods and sighs.

Taylor obviously had know idea who 'them' was because the next thing she asks is "who?" and frowns as if she's missed something blatantly obvious.

"You" I moan "I've met you before Taylor"

"Oh" Taylor says but she still looks confused "wait did you say me?" She asks again and Mom laughs.

"Yes you silly" she says as Taylor blushes, burying her head in her hands.

"Im such an idiot,  of course...of course" she says laughing at her on stupidity "Audrey" she laughs again "I knew I'd heard that name somewhere before and I thought I'd seen those eyes before too" she shakes her head before looking up at me and smiling "how could I possibly forget my first fan?"

Just a little reminiscent chapter for you all and in case your wondering I did not just make up the name of a random suburb in Chicago,  Barrington is a real suburb in the Cook County:)
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~ Cait ~

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