Chapter Twenty One

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I stumble out of the theater, the bright lights blinding me. We had watched The Giver and I couldn't help but smile when Taylor's scene appeared. The movie was perfect and being with Clara relaxed me, it felt nice knowing I had a friend who actually cared.

"You need a ride home?" Clara asks nodding towards her car as we exit the building, Clara had just turned 18 and had received her full license a few weeks ago. Me on the other hand, well I got scared even thinking about sitting in the driver's seat. Me and Clara were both in the 12th grade, our last year of school. Clara was super smart and had already been accepted into a number of colleges and Universities, including Harvard. Me, well im average. Sure I could get into a number of Universities, but then I'd have to leave Libby and Tiger at home with Mom, who couldn't afford a baby sitting service. So I was torn, get a local job somewhere in Chicago and look after the twins or go to a University in a state a million miles away from Illinois.

"Nah" I reply "Tays hopefully gonna pick me up" Clara nods, before sliding into the drivers seat.

"Your lucky Audrey" She says as she starts the car "knowing Taylor and all" then she's off pulling out of the parking lott and onto the busy freeway, leaving me sitting on the steps that lead up to the cinema.

Ten minutes later I was still sitting on the steps of the cinema, sighing I stand up pulling out my phone, I text Taylor.
To: TayTaySway
Where da heck are you? Gurl the movie finished 20 minutes ago!

Turning off my phone I sit there waiting for the buzzing noise indicating that Taylor had texted back, my phone remaining silent.

Giving up on Taylor I open my phone again pulling up a different contact, before hitting the call button.

"Hey Austin" I say as soon as he picks up, a gust of wind blows across the lot and I shiver wishing I'd worn something warmer.

"Oh - Audrey" he says suprised "what's up?"

"Can, can you come pick me up? I think Taylor's forgotten" I hear Austin sigh at the other end.

"Sure" He replys after a brief moment of silence "but can't you drive? Your 17"

"Im at the movie theaters on the corner of Rixton and Locknorth, see you in 20 minutes" I say in a hurry completely ignoring Austins question. He doesn't need to know about my fear of driving.

20 minutes later a black SUV pulled up in front of me as the person inside tooted the horn. Guessing it must be Austin I climb in, taking the passenger seat.

"Hey princess" Austin says as soon as he sees me, rolling my eyes I buckle up.

" Took you long enough, you have no idea how cold it is out there!"

"Well im sorry!" Austin sasses back "im not the one who didn't pack their coat" Laughing I hit him playfully.

"Just drive"

"So wheres my sista at?" Austin asks once we were cruising along the freeway.

"Probably somewhere with Ed completely ignoring her phone" I reply back sharply, glaring at the car in front of us.

"Girls" I hear Austin mutter under his breath as he pulls the car up outside my house, grumbling a 'Thankyou' I climb out of the car, marching through the front door I continue straight through the house and up the stairs only pausing at the top when I hear Austin talking to Andrea.

"Whats her problem?" I hear Andrea ask as Austin comes through the front door.

"I don't know" he replies "girl issues are well beyond me"

Andrea chuckles "Should I go talk to her?"

"Nah" Austin says "I think she wants her space" and he's right I do. I want my space away from Taylor. Looks like I won't be going to New York after all.

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~ Cait ~

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