Chapter Seventeen

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The rest of the morning went by in a blur. Taylor went out for a brunch date with Ed before having to spend the afternoon doing radio interviews.  My Mom had to go to work so Andrea decided to take Libby shopping for the day. I had absolutely no clue what the boys were up to but when I had left them downstairs this morning they were playing a very intense game of table tennis via the Wii.

I hadn't left my room since Taylor had left to meet Ed this morning.  I didn't really know what to do with myself,  I guess I was still upset and sulking because of what happened last night and I didn't really feel like talking to people. One of my only friends Clara had texted me this morning saying that Ella slapping me was all over Facebook and that she was anoyed I didn't invite her to the concert.  Wich is slightly unfair considering I didn't even know I was going till that morning. But Clara obviously was letting it slide because she arranged to meet up with me for a movie date tomorrow.

I was slightly upset that Taylor hadn't called or texted me all day and Austin, Scott nor Tiger had even come up to my room to see me. It was just one of those days I guess. In resualt of my depressed mood I was sitting on my bed, guitar in lap playing haunting and slightly depressing licks.

"Hey you" I look up to see Austin leaning against my door frame frowning. Pausing my guitar playing I shift to face him.

"Hey" I say lightly ignoring the concerned look on his face.

"Are you alright?" He asks, shifting his position on the door frame.

"Im fine" I spit "why wouldn't I be?" Austin raises his eyebrows.

"One" he starts "Is the fact that you haven't left your room all day."

"Nice of you to notice" I mutter cutting him off.

"Ah" Austin says "im not finished" rolling my eyes I motion for him to continue.

"Two" He says walking further into my room and sitting himhimself down on my swivel desk chair "is that you have made no attempt to talk to me, my father or Tiger at all" Sighing I look down at my hands. He was right. I hadn't. But then again neither had they.

"And three" He says after a short pause "you've barley eaten." He finishs looking up at me.

"So?" I ask nonchalantly.

"So Audrey" he says, using my actual name meaning he was serious "I cease to believe that you are fine" I let out a little laughat how proper Austin was being.

I don't reply to him, instead I slip the guitar off my lap and walk over towards my window that looked out across our backyard that contained a small pool and a worn trampoline. I feel Austin come and stand behind me, his arms finding my waist and creeping around me, gently he pulls me into him. Letting his chin rest on my head I hear him mumble something "do you wanna go out there?" I don't say anything in reply but I do nod.

Austin pulls away from me before carefully taking one of my hands and leading me out of the room and down the stairs. I have to show him where the back door is but eventually we get there and thr rush I get from stepping outside is in lightning.

"Trampoline?" Austin asks with a crooked grin. I give a slight smile his personality mirroring Taylor's.

"Sure!" I agree as Austin helps me on, Austin starts bouncing as soon as im up but instead I opt to just lying on it staring up at the sky watching the clouds shift and reform. Eventualy the jostling created by Austin bouncing stops and I feel him lay doen next to me.

"Hey you can tell me whats bothering you" he says as he shifts trying to get comfortable,  I feel our shoulders brush sending a rush of warmth through my body.

"Taylor" I say slightly confused as to why I had said that.

"Taylor?" Austin asks also confused.

"And Ella" I continue, this time Austin nods understanding.

"But why Taylor?" He press.

"This morning when she left I was a complete mess after finding out it was all over Facebook yet she hasn't contacted me all day" I mumble realizing how silly it sounded out loud.

Austin frowns "she's probably just busy" he smirks "with Ed" I give a small laugh and Austin laughs too.

"Alright" he says sitting up "I'd better go back inside,  make sure Tiger hasn't killed my old man" laughing I watch as he leaves, with quick strides he disappears back inside the house leaving me alone on the trampoline.

I lay there for a few minutes tracing the outlines of the clouds with my hands. It was about 4 in the afternoon the sun was still high in the sky but hidden behind a small puff of cloud.

The silence of the garden was broken once again by the slamming of the back door, a mass of blonde hair, as a familiar smile hidden behind red lips makes its way towards me. Another warm rush goes through me this one the polar opposite to the one I felt from Austin.

The blonde approaches the trampoline. Delicately climbing on she flops down beside me filling Austins place.

"I heard I was missed" she says beaming at me.

I know its boring and it sucks and I know you guys don't like Austin and Audrey toggether but I kinda felt it fitted this chapter sorry :(
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~ Cait ~

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