Chapter Forty

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Thanksgiving went by quickly, to quickly if you ask me. Taylor and Andrea were leaving tomorrow, the last time we would see them till christmas. Mom hadn't fully gotten over the fact that I had skipped school and I don't know what she'll do if she finds out I drove Dads old car as well.

I won't ever tell her, but I miss Dad sometimes, other times I hate his guts. But at times like these I miss him. I miss having him around all the time. I know its been 11 months since he left and I should have gotten used to life without him but I haven't. I know Dad hurt Mom and I won't ever forgive him, but that doesn't mean he's not my Dad.

"Hey birthday girl!" Taylor says walking back into the bedroom with an armful of presents. Taylor had woken me up at 7am this morning bursting with excitement. It was my 18th birthday, and Taylor had gone all out on the present front. She had been so excited to be able to be here for my birthday, it made me wonder just how excited she got for her own birthday.

"I wasn't sure what you wanted so I got you a mixture of things!" Taylor says rambling excitedly. As soon as Taylor had gotten out of bed she raced over to her bag and had pulled out a pair of matching cat onesies, insisting that I put it on. So now both me and Taylor were sitting cross legged on my bed in matching onsies starring at the mountain of presents she had set in front of me.

A whole lot of giggling could be heard outside my bedroom door, it was not hard to fingure out who it belonged to.

"I think you woke up the twins with all you excitement" I say giggling myself.
"Sorry" Taylor says as the door bursts open and Libby and Tiger burst into the room waving hand made presents at me.

"Look what we made you Audrey!" Libby yells jumping up and down in front of me.
"Okay, okay what is it?" I ask mouthing a 'sorry' to Taylor as I take the slightly soggy present out of Libby's hands.

Opening the card I am greated with a slightly disjointed picture of what looks to be me and wobbly writting that spells out Happy Birthday Audrey. It was adorable how much effort Libby had put into the card for me.

"Do you like it?" Libby asks shyly, showing the card to Taylor and Tiger as well.

"I love it" I whisper, "thankyou so much" Libby grins at me before climbing onto the bed and onto Taylors lap.

"Now open mine!" Tiger demands, handing me another dodgy looking card. "I made it at school for you" I nod, opening the card carfully.

Unlike Libbys card Tigers contained a whole lot of scribbles that were meant toresemble balloons and a message similar to Libby's.

"Its great aye" Tiger says confidently "even better than Libby's" he says grinning as Libby jumps out of Taylors arms.

"No it isn't, your drawings look like poop!" She laughs chasing her twin out of the room.

"Im sorry about that" I say to Taylor as I pick up the first of her presents and open it finding inside a polaroid camera. The rest of Taylors presents were cute girly things, like scented candles and winter scarves. She had picked them carfully her self and taken the time to add indavidual notes to each present.

"Wow Taylor" I whisper looking at the presents now scatered across my bed. "You really didn't have to do that"

"Oh" Taylor says "but I wanted you to have something nice, it was the least I could do Audrey" she says grinning "now come on breakfast is waiting"

The rest of the day went by in a blur of events. Mom took us all out to lunch at my pick of Shake n' bake, a rare treat. We hardly ever went out for meals, we simply couldn't afford it anymore. Libby and Tiger were enjoying the treat more than I was and Mom hadn't looked that relaxed since the day the twins started school. Mom had gotten me tickets to San fransisco for my birthday, it wasn't really a present but I guess it meant I didn't have to pay for the flights myself. After lunch we had gone out to the movies and a mini golf course where Tiger dominated the game. It was by far one of the better birthdays I had, had. I think it made it extra special having Taylor and Andrea there.
"Good day?" Taylor asks walking into the bedroom later that night once the twins had gone to bed.
"Yeah" I say "One of the best actually, thankyou for everything Taylor. It means a lot, not many people have done what you did for me today and every other day" I say quietly watching as little tears prick in the cornner of Taylors eyes.
"Thankyou Audrey" Taylor whispers " I had a lot of fun today too. I think everyone did".
"Its a shame you have to leave tomorow, won't see you again till christmas now"
"I know" Taylor sighs " sometimes I hate my job, but hey christmas isn't that far away and think you'll all be in New York"
"Yeah" I say smiling, flopping down on the bed, starring up at the celling covered in photos. "Its gonna be your birthday soon" I say randomly after about five minutes of silence.
"Yup, 25 wow" Taylor says lying down beside me, her eyes scanning the memories that were stuck to the celling.

Later that night once everyone had gone to bed, including Taylor. I was woken by the small vibrations of my phone that I had kept under my pillow tonight incase he called. I hadn't heard from him all day which was odd but I just assumed he was busy, college had that affect on people. Sure enough the caller ID on my phone was flashing his name, swipping accept I hold the device up to my ear.

"Hey" his voice floats through the phone and into the dimely lit bedroom.

"Hey" I say back quietly, careful not to wake Taylor, this was a moment I didn't want anything to interupt.

"Happy birthday beautiful" he whispers "im sorry I didn't call earlier, I was...busy" the way he pauses as if he's thinking of what to say makes me wonder if he's telling the truth. He wouldn't lie would he?

"Its okay... at least you called"

I hear him sigh at the end of the line "im sorry..."

"Im sorry too".

Hey guys,
Supper sorry about the late update and the shitty chapter. I know it sucks...
Also a lot if you don't want me to change the tittle of this book so I won't but I am still debating the cover...
But I just want to thankyou all so much for... GETTING THIS BOOK TO 10K READS!!!!!!
I love you all so much xxx
Btw If I started a YouTube channel would any of you guys watch it? (Just wondering)
Love you
~Cait ~

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