Chapter Thirty

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Bright Lights danced across my vision as I woke up, last night was definitly my definition of living hell. Though to be honest I didn't remember much of the night its self, the only thing that is really clear in my mind was the look on Taylor's face when Ed dragged a puking me into her apartment. Her face had shown a mixture of dissapointment, anger, worry and sympathy all laced together in a grim line, tied with eyes sparkling with tears.

But what came after was something I would never ever forget, and something I'd defenitly regret for the rest of my life. After puking everywhere Ed had sat me down on Taylors couch, roughly wiping my mouth with a damp cloth before pointing me in the direction of Taylor. I was'nt even close to the word sober at this point but after Taylor's first sentence I had sobered up pretty quick.

To say Taylor was mad was a huge understatement, she was fuming "IS THIS ALL A JOKE TO YOU AUDREY JONES?" She yelled straight in my face, more tears spilled out of her eyes. "Is this something you like to do often? Because you don't come across as that type of girl" Taylor had started violently shaking and sobbing, it was at that point that my drunken ass finnaly noticed what was going on, I'd made The Taylor Swift cry.

"Shh it's okay" Ed whispered "your alowed to be mad" he said shooting me a look that crippled me inside.

Taylor finnaly composed herself and turned back to me, her tone a lot softer, but her eyes remained cold "I was worried sick Audrey" she murmered fiddling with her hands "you said you'd be back by 11pm" her eyes shot up to the clock above the TV "Its 1.30pm" she said dryly.

"Im sorry" I snapped, before quickly covering my mouth. What the fuck was wrong with me?

"YOUR SORRY?" Taylor suddenly yelled, the anger reappering in her eyes. Ed took the chance to flea the room, I'd of given anything to be him.

"Uh yeah...?" I slur slightly, not sure what she wanted me to say.

"Audrey, you do not realise how serious this is" Taylor says sternly, her eyes still held no warmth "this is New York!" She shrieked her hands thrown up in the air, like I hadd'nt noticed.

"Audrey Jones, don't you dare get smart with me!" Taylor yelled, I'd said that out loud, oh god save my drunken self.

I was about to speak, I couldn't remember what I was going to say, but I hadn't needed to, Taylor had started ranting again.

"You come home an hour and a half past your curfue, drunk of your ass, make up smeared halfway across your face, and as soon as you walk through he door you throw up?!" So I was right about my make up "Audrey im highly unimpressed"

"Yeah great" I'd said without thinking "can I go now?" I watched as Taylor's expersion growed darker, I was the worlds biggest idiot.

"Im not done with you yet" Taylor snaped "I have two more questions!"

Grumbling I roll my eyes "What?"

"Who were you with and where did you go?"

My eyes widen at her question, what was I supposed to say?

"Um-" I stutter "This guy I met, like yesterday and his friends...I think we went to a cheap club" I shruged my words still slurred.

"Okay" Taylor said supprisingly calm "Im done with you, I don't want to see you again tonight...well I guess morning?"

And that was it, Taylor wasn't one to hold grudges for long, but I knew she wasn't goingto let this slide that easily.

Sighing I sit up in bed, only then realising I had a pounding head ache, groaning I fall back against the pillows.

A few minutes later Taylor enters my room, withouth knocking, carrying a glass of water, an Advil tablet, my cellphone and what looked to be a gossip magizine. Taylor places the water on the bedside table before handing me the tablet wich I swallow down gratefully.

"Austin called you" She says coldly "oh... and I thought you might want to see this" tossing the magazine and my phone on my bed she silently leaves the room. She was still mad.

Picking up the magazine, I read the cover Taylor's mystery friend gets it on in NY, while Taylor stays at home. Underneath the caption was a photo of me and Alex kissing.

Then I remember something else Austin had called, picking up my phone I find three missed calls from Austin.

I look back at the magazine, staring at the picture of me until it begins to swirl  under my eyes, my heart sinking to the bottom of my stomach.

Hey guys so a guess what!?
This story has reached just over 4k (!!!!!!!!) Annnnnddddd we are approximatley half way through this book ahhhhhh!
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