Chapter Forty Five

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There's a continuous tapping noice behind my left ear, not loud enough to be annoying but loud enough to let you know it's there. Groaning I go to roll over, but my foot slips catching on hard plastic. Great, I think, I'd almost been asleep long enough to forget I was sleeping in a plastic chair that should belong on your back deck not in the corridor of the ICU wing. I had been here for almost two days, not in this position of course, I probably would have lost the feeling in my legs by now. I had been in this hospital for two days and I can't say I've been in this wing the whole time because I haven't. The first day I was in my own room on the other side of the hospital. I don't really want to say what happened and it's not because I don't remember, I do. It's because what happened is a thousand times worse than anything I could of ever imaged.

"Hey," a quite voice says and thats when I register the hand resting lightly on my shoulder. Groggily I sit up, my eyes adjusting quickly to the bright florescent lights that lit the corridor.

"What's the time?" I mumble, not really caring who I was talking to, I just wanted an answer.

"Just gone 8pm," the voice replys, "you were only asleep for an hour." An hour? It felt like I had been asleep an entire night, but then again if I had been asleep for an entire night I probably wouldn't feel like I'm about to throw up and my legs probably wouldn't feel like they've been buried under a pile of bricks.

"Taylor's gone to get dinner with your Mom," the voice says absentmindedly and that's when I realize who it was. Austin was sitting next to me with a sleeping Tiger curled up next to him in a blanket one of the nurses had provided for him. I notice that the tapping noise I had been hearing in my sleep was Austin's fingers hitting the screen on his phone.

"Oh," I mumble, I wasn't hungry. I hadn't been hungry for the past two days. Ever since the accident I haven't eaten, I've barely sleeped and I certainly haven't showered or changed my clothes.

"How's your head?" Austin asks, turning off his phone and slipping it in his pocket. Without saying anything he pulls me closer to him so that the only thing between us is the plastic arm of the chair. Instinctively my head goes straight to his chest as he rubs his hand up and down my arm.

"It's fine," I say pulling away from Austin slightly so that I could reach a hand up to touch the small plaster on my forehead that covered three stitches. Apparently when I passed out I cut my forehead on a rock. Above my right eyebrow and just below my hairline sits a small plaster only noticeable if you look, but it's still there and it's a memory.

"Any news?" I ask hopefully, already knowing the answer.

"None," Austin says quietly, the word barely passing his lips.

"That has to be good right?" I say quickly, " it means nothings happened."

"I don't know Audrey," Austin says sadly, " a lot of nurse's have been coming in and out of Libby's room." Just the mention of her name makes me feel sick and I feel another wave of guilt wash over me. It was all my fault she was in there, if I hadn't been so stupid we would all be fine. If I hadn't met Alex I would be even better. Libby didn't fit here, where the walls looked to clean to touch and the beds are far to big. When we had been let in to see her for the first time this morning, I almost couldn't take it. The sight of Libby buried under a tangle of clear tubes and crisp bed sheets looked so wrong to me. I had clutched Taylor's hand tightly as the nurse explained the situation to us. She was in an induced coma and it was all because of me. If you took away all the chords she looked like she was just sleeping, her eyelids closed and her mouth parted slightly with her hands clasped together on her stomach. Taylor had gently brushed her hair out and braided it in two braids on either side of her face and everything almost was normal until her monitor started beeping and we were all ushered out.

"Your awake!" A slightly cheerer voice says, pulling my head out of Austins chest I see Mom and Taylor walking down the corridor towards us. Taylor was carrying a white plastic bag and my Mom was on the phone to someone.

Sliding into the seat next to me, Taylor smiles at me sadly, " you should go home Audrey," I shake my head fast, maybe a little to fast because I start to feel dizzy.

"Audrey, you need to sleep," Austin adds, agreeing with Taylor.

"I can't, what if something happens?"

"Then we'll call you, sweetheart," Mom says walking over having finished her phone call.

"Austin, that was Andrea, she said she's waiting in the carpark, she wants you and Tiger to go home and hopefully Audrey too."

"Nope," I say crossing my arms and pouting like a five year old.

"Fine," Mom says, "one more night but then your going home, you can't wear that outfit forever."

Taylor sighs, picking up the bag she had brought in she takes out two foam containers.

"Chinese?" She asks offering me one, I shake my head and push it back in her direction.

"Aud please eat something, I don't care what it is anything." Taylor says gently.

"We can go and get whatever you want hun," my Mom adds.

"I can't eat, I'll be sick," they sigh in defeat but don't pressure it any further. I'll eat when im ready and I think they know that.

I start to drift off to sleep at about 11 pm, Taylor was already asleep next to me her arm wrapped around me protectively and my Mum was asleep across the corridor. Taylor and Andrea had tried so hard to stay positive these past two days. Even Scott was extremely upset and seeing him upset was like kicking a kitten. Taylor had cried though I don't think she wanted anyone to know. I had woken up last night at 1am to suppressed sobs. At first I thought they were my Moms, but she was sound asleep. Turning to my right I had found Taylor crying into the sleve of her oversized sweater. I didn't say anything, nothing I said was going to make her feel any better. She probably didn't even want my sympathy seeing it was my fault this whole thing happened. I didn't tell her this morning that I had heard her last night, I let her keep up the act that she was okay and coping well. Ed was flying in tomorrow morning, so hopefully that would make her feel a bit better. I hadn't even realized but tomorrow was Christmas morning. It felt like a week ago I was laughing with Taylor in her bedroom excited over the fact that Christmas was in two days, I hadn't never realized how much could happen in 36 hours.

I was almost asleep, content with these thoughts floating around in my head when the sound of the double doors opening at the end of the corridor pull me back into reality. I bolt up straight, waking Taylor up in the process. She looks around disoriented, rubbing her eyes.

"Audrey, whats-" she doesn't get any further as she is cut off by a mans voice yelling.
"WHERE IS SHE? I NEED TO SEE HER! WHERE IS SHE?" I flinch and I feel Taylor move closer to me. The voice was so scaringly familiar I almost didn't have to look to know who it was.


Heyoo im back!
Im sorry I have updated in forever, I've been working on my other book The Right To Sophistication. But im determined to finishthis book before Christmas. Did you know it's been almost a year since I wrote the first chapter for this book. Crazy huh? We've just reached 18k reads and im so insanely happy, thankyou so much!
There are only going to be a few more chapters till this book is finished! I'm not sure if there will be a sequel, you guys let me know if thats something you might want!
Im going to be going through and editing all the chapters now so I'll let you guys know when im done.
I've also had an idea for this book that I may or may not do. Im thinking about writing a new book similar to this one but without it being fanfiction, let me know if that's something you're instrested in.
Love all you beautiful dumbs!!
Cait xxx
(That may of possibly been the longest A/N ever, sorry )

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