Chapter One

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There are 365 days in a year (366 if it's a leap year),  200'ish school days and 14 days of fall break. I see how it is.

Though to be completely honest I'm quite happy with the measly 14 days we get off school each break, because really all I'll be doing is baby sitting my younger siblings and stalking Taylor online. I know, I'm the poster girl for unexciting. 

"Audrey!" I heard my Mom shout from downstairs. Groaning I roll over, a stray strand of frazzled blonde hair falling in my face.  The time on my alarm clock read 8:40am, far to early for a Monday morning, especially seeing as I have no school.

"What" I grumbled back, stuffing a pillow over my head, trying to drown out the noise of obnoxious kids cartoons that was blaring up the stairs. Of course the twins were up, they didn't seem to understand the concept of 'sleeping in'.

"I've gotta run to work, I'm already ten minutes late!" She shrieked back, I could hear hurried footsteps coming up the stairs.

"And you want me to baby-sit" I muttered,  glaring at her through the bottom of the pillow as she appeared in the doorway, fresh faced and breathless. I don't even know why she bothered asking me any more, it's not like I was just going to leave the twins here by themselves. God I may look dumb but I'm not that stupid.

"Yes, if you could," she said, like I had a choice. Rummaging through her handbag she produces what I presume is a list of jobs that need to be done.

"Now Audrey,  you need to listen," she said sternly, placing one hand on her hip. I stifled a laugh at the sight of he standing at the end of my bed looking like she was telling off a bunch of middle schoolers. "Take the god-damn pillow off your head and listen to me!" She cried, after I didn't acknowledge her last statement. Groaning I push the pillow off my head and sit up.

"I'm listening."

"So as I mentioned earlier this week-" Mom suddenly launched into one of her long lectures about the in's and out's of everything and as I had only just woken up everything she said just washed right over me like a huge wave of words. "-They'll be here at 11 so please let them in and make them feel welcome. Show them the spare room, oh and you might have to share a room with their daughter, depends on the sleeping arrangements. " Mom finished looking at me expectantly. 

"What?" Is all I managed to splutter out. Mom however just rolled her eyes. She was, by now, well used to me tuning out in the middle of a sentence.

"One of your Father's and I's family friend's are coming to stay for the holidays, be nice when they get here. That means no attitude Missy."

"Mmkay," I mumbled back, Mom laughed and shook her head. 

"Look after Libby and Tiger too Audrey." She called as she turns to leave, her blonde ringlets flying out behind her.

"Will do." I mumbled back before hauling myself out of bed and staggering into the bathroom. 


20 minutes later I found myself standing in front of my wardrobe mulling over what to wear. My blonde hair was forming a puddle at my feet from the shower and I was starting to get cold. I wasn't usually one to worry about fashion, I didn't mind that my clothes clashed occasionally or that I didn't own a single 'designer' brand. I was happy in comfy clothes, even if some of them did make me look slightly homeless.  

Deciding on a simple go to outfit, a plain grey T-shirt dress. I really couldn't be bothered finding a top and bottoms that went together.  I turned my attention to what Mom had said this morning.

We were having visitors, just what I wanted. Now how was I supposed to stalk Taylor and maintain 3 fan pages? Entertain two 9 year olds, and make sure Mom's friends make it through the front door safely,  without our cat Steve (don't even go there) and Tiger my little brother eating them alive.

 Yay, I thought to myself sarcastically. What a wonderful start to the holidays.

"Audrey?" My little sister appeared in the doorway of my room, stark naked, holding the T.V remote in one hand and an extremely pissed off cat in the other.

"Before you say anything more, please put Steve down I'm not in the mood for a funeral today and put some clothes on for god sakes." Libby shot me a glare before dropping Steve on his head and running back down the hall as she yelled 'Tiger we can't have cake for breakfast.'

Poor cat and poor me.


How do you like it so far?

I promise Taylor will feature soon and I promise Steve never gets severely hurt.

Also this chapter is kinda based on my own life god help me.

~Cait ~

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