Chapter Twenty Three

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I woke up the next morning in a coughing fit, I sat up gasping for air. I felt sick. Not physically sick, emotionally sick. I think it was because I was going to be flying to New York today, my stomach felt like it was going to explode with the amount of butterflies that were spinning around inside of it.

For Taylor this was just a normal business trip, but for me it was so much more, I was going back to the place where I grew up and to me, that ment a lot. Still spluttering I try to lean over Taylor looking for my drink bottle that had ben discarded somewhere but another fit overcomes me and I end up collapsing on top of Taylor.

"Humph" Taylor says through her sleep, trying to throw me off but I was still coughing trying to get a breath "Audrey" Taylor moans as she struggles underneath me.

Eventualy I grab my drink bottle and find the energy to flip myself off Taylor. "Sorry" I choke out, gulping down the water as the burning sensation in my throat eases.

"Are you okay?" Taylor asks sitting up, a concerned expression settling on her face.

"Fine" I say swallowing down more coughs "I think im gonna go find some cough meds" I grumble as Taylor laughs.

"Okay" she agrees "im gonna go take a shower"

20 minutes later we were all seated in the kitchen,  Mom had taken the morning off work because she wanted to make sure I left in one peice. She was currently unpacking then repacking my bag, fretting that I hadn't packed enough clothes and making sure I hadn't forgotten anything. I was still coughing, as the mixture I had been given seemed to have no effect what so ever. None of us new what had caused it but I suspect it had something to do with the fact that Taylor's hair had been in my face all night.  I had told Taylor this and the only thing that had come out of her mouth prior was 'omg hairballs!' God bless her.

"Mom" I groan "im 17, I think I've got it" Mom just rolls her eyes at me before turning back to the bag. Taylor and Andrea were watching us in amusement as the ate their breakfast, Taylor was a seasoned pro at packing and had packed a small duffel bag in about 2 minutes this morning claiming that she really didn't need to pack anything as we were staying at her apartment.

Mom was still packing my bag in the middle of the kitchen floor when the boys came down for breakfast.  Tiger took one look at the situation before bolting the room yelling about how unfair his life was.

"Okay" Mom says eventually "I think you're good"

"Thats great" Taylor says hwr voice dripping with sarcasm "were only 15 minutes late" Mom shoots Taylor a glare before standing up and pulling me into a hug.

"Alright Audrey" she says, I mentaly prepare myself for Moms infamous prep talk "be good okay, no funny business and no attitude.  I don't want Taylor to have to put up with your lip missy" Groaning I look at Taylor for help but she just shrugs. " I've topped up your credit card and if you've forgotten anything im sure Taylor can help you" I snort at this, i doubt we've forgotten anything.  Mom must have repacked my bag about 10 times. "And most of all" Mom continues "have fun"

I smile up at her as she kisses my forehead "I love you" I mumble as she hugs me again.

"Okay kiddo, I'll see you in a few days" finally we pull apart and I make my way to the front door following Taylor. I was still slightly ignoring Taylor but it was extremely hard to hate a girl like her so I had caved and forgiven her for yesterday.  After all sweeran makes up for everything.

"Okay" Taylor says as she opens the door "we'll be back soon, love you guys! Bye Libby, be nice to Steve" everyone laughs at this, and then we are off. Sliding into the polished leather seats of the cab Taylor had called for us, its destination Chicago demestic airport. I had only ever arrived through that airport,  never had I left. Even though we were only leaving for four days something had a finality about it.

Just like the dull ache that had already settled in my stomach after I had found out I would be leaving,  that I woulde be going to University.

Sorry I know this sucks, but im trying to write aswell as study, because I have exams.
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~ Cait ~

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