Chapter Forty One

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The weeks leading up to Christmas went painfully slow. Everyday I went to school it became a day filled with snide comments and an ache in my stomache which had been filled with Clara's laughter. I guess you loose friends and you gain them at the same time and I was okay with that. I didn't mind that I could count all of my friends on one hand. It didn't bother me, I wouldn't be here much longer anyway. What bothered me was who Clara was now hanging out with. It wasn't in writing but hanging around with your ex-friends sworn enemy seems like the ultimite form of revenge. But revenge for what? I never did anything, or I didn't mean to do anything.

Sighing I shake off the feeling and slump down at the only empty table in the cafeteria. Sitting there I just kinda stare at the tray of food sat in front of me.

"You've turned into such a sad sake since Clara left," I turn at the sound of chirpy voice coming from behind me "I mean, is she really that much of a loss. She doesn't seem a very good friend to me."

"Who are you?" I ask sharply to the unassuming female, who had decided to rudely interupt my pitty session.

"Reagan," She chirps brightly " im in one of the other 12th grade classes!" I shudder at her mood, she was far to excited for a Tuesday lunchtime.

"Oh," I mumble "and how do you randomly know everything about my friendship status?"

"Im in your Bio class" Reagan explains "I've heard all the arguments, seen all the back stabbing," she shrugs "anyway thats not what I came here to talk to you about."

"You wanted to talk to me about something?" I ask disbelieving, this girl seemed filled to the brim with bullshit.

"Yeah!" She says, "someone said you were friends with The Taylor Swift!" I enternially sigh, I knew excatly where this was going and I didn't like it.

"Yeah?" I say turning away from her, wishing a sink hole would open up underneath me and swallow me.

"And" Reagan continues "I've been trying get her to notice me on tumblr for months, do you think you could give her my URL?"

"Sure" I mutter, knowing I wasn't going to give Taylor this girls URL, not in a million years.

"Oh my gosh, thankyou so much!" She exclaims as she scribbles it down on a peice of paper. Handing it to me, she grins "you're the best! See ya round Audrey." With that she was gone walking lightly across the cafeteria.

Standing up after her I scrunch the peice of paper up and throw it in the nearest trash can along with my uneaten lunch. No one was going to use me, not ever again.

The end of the day couldn't of come sooner, and when the final bell rang I was the first to leave the classroom. The anxiety I had been building up all day making me jumpy and agitated. I sat by myself on the bus ride home. I had headphones in but I wasn't actually listening to anything, just staring at the black screen on my phone or watching everyone elses lives pass by the bus window. The dirty streets of Chicago matching my mood.
The bus pulls up outside Tiger and Libby's elementary school, it wasn't often I got off here, ussauly Mom would pick them up and I'd ride the bus the entire way home. But Mom was working late tonight which meant I had to walk the twins home. It wasn't far, only a couple of blocks but I wasn't in the mood to cope with two anoying kids.
"Hey you two!" I say pumping enthusiasm into my voice when I see the two of them standing right beside the school sign, backpacks strapped tightly onto their backs. They were both bundled against the cold, wrapped up in scarves and jackets with sloppy hats placed on their heads.

"Audrey!" Libby exclaims when she sees me "you won't believe what we did today!"

The twins prattle on the entire way home and I can't help but feel more relaxed walking home, laughing and talking with them than I have these past four weeks.

"Okay" I say as soon as we've walked through the door "I want hats, jackets and scarves hanged up and put away. Uniforms taken off and put in the wash if they need washing. Only when thats done are you allowed to watch TV and have something to eat." They both nod quickly before running up the stairs laughing and yelling.

Smiling I follow after them. Walking into my bedroom I flop down onto the bed that I once shared with Taylor. This room would be dismantled in a month, all my belongs packed into boxes and shipped to my Dad's. To think I'd be leaving this life behind for good, was terrifying yet also relieving. I'm not sure if I would of been able to spend another semester at that school with two faced Clara and backstabbing Ella. That's not to say I wouldn't miss anything from this life because I would definitely miss the twins and Mom. I loved all three of them so much, I sometimes find it hard to admit it as im not a very sentimental person. Unlike Taylor who feeds off emotions, I prefer dry humor and sarcasm, it's easier than to confront with emotions. But im gonna be letting the flood gates open when I have to leave for San Francisco, leaving Tiger and Libby is like leaving behind half of me.

It's almost like I'll have three lives, this life, the one im going to be living at my Dads and Taylor's faced paced whirlwind of a life. Sitting up I pull my laptop out of my bag a flick it open, logging onto instagram my feed is instantly flooded with Happy Birthday messages directed at Taylor.

"What?" I breathe as I begin to scroll "it's not the 13th is it?"

Pulling up my calendar I see a message displayed across the bottom that Taylor had left there when she was playing around on my laptop.

It's my birthday babe, hope you made a cake! Actually on second thoughts you can't cook, please don't make me a cake Audrey hahaha :).
"How did I forget that?" I whisper as my fingers fumble for my phone. Bringing up Taylor's contact I hit call.

"Hey" Taylor yells down the phone as soon as she picks "just let me go somewhere quite, its really loud in here!" I hear a few doors slam and the music barring in the background muffle.
"Taylor, its only 5pm in NY and your already partying." I say laughing.

"Yeah, im 25 now Audrey!" She says also laughing.

"Sorrying im calling so late," I say my tone serious " I had a rough day at school and it slipped my mind."

"Auds" Taylor says "it's fine, I don't mind. I just wanna make sure your okay."

"Im fine," I say nibbling on my lip " just a little anxious."

I hear Taylor sigh "I just wish I could give you a big hug right now. You deserve to be treated right, your the most amazing and kind 18 year old I've met."

"Thankyou, but im okay honestly."

Taylor laughs "I know you Audrey and I don't believe you for a second but if you don't wanna talk its fine."

"I came here to wish you happy birthday, not give you the sob story that's my life!" I say laughing " I wanna know all about this party that im keeping you from!"

"There's a lot of people here!" Taylor says.

"Oooh, is Ed there?" I say suggestively, knowing full well that Taylor was a bright shade of pink right now.

"Yeah..." she says quietly "and Austin"

"Shut up" I say playfully, laughing I was about to add a further comment whenI heard a loud crash in the background on Taylor's side.

"Shit!" Taylor swears "I had better go, are you still coming here for Christmas?"

"You betcha" I say grinning as Taylor hangs up the phones, leaving me once again alone with my thoughts.

Okay, its been alooooonnnnngggg time since I updatedthis book, but guess what its winter break now so expect a few updates on all my books.
Question: whose your favorite character out of this story and why?
Thankyou so much for 1k votes you guys are the best!!!!
Love you all xxx

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