Chapter Forty Four

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Warning: there are a lot of feelings in this chapter, proceed at your own risk.

The next morning when I enter the kitchen everything is quiet apart from the gentle hum of the TV that was coming from the living room. Grabbing a granola bar out of the cupboard, I nudge the door to the living room open with my foot. I hadn't seen anyone since I had woken up this morning, the whole apartment was weirdly silent. A quick peak into Taylor's room had confirmed she was still asleep, along with two cats who were curled in tight balls at the end of her bed.

"Audrey?" My head turns at the sound of a tiny voice coming from inside a cocoon of blankets nestled into the couch.

"Hey Libby, whatcha doing?" I ask walking over and tickling her. A shriek of laughter escapes her lips as she tries to squirm away from my hands.

"Aud...Audrey," she says between giggles "Sta..hp," she stammers out as I give up ticking and settle in next to her on the couch.

"What are you doing today munchkin?" I ask grinning as she leaps up excitedly, blankets flying off revealing bright pink lady bug pajamas. They were her favorite, and every year we would head to Target just to buy Libby a bigger size of pink lady bug pajamas.

"Taylor promised to take me and Tiger to the zoo this afternoon Audrey! We're going to see the lions and the monkeys!" Libby was litteraly bouncing up and down with excitement and I felt a pang of sadness for the fact I would be leaving her soon. To soon if you ask me.

"Awesome!" I grin, "are Mom and Andrea going too?"

"No," Libby says pulling a face, "they're going Santa sack shopping." I smile, every year we had a Santa sack and it was the first thing we opened in the morning on Christmas day, it was filled with chocolate and stationary and other random small things Mom and Dad would find in the $2 bins at Target. "So are you gonna come?" She asks still bouncing up and down on the edge of the couch.

"Maybe,"I say quietly, "me and Austin are going out for breakfast this morning at Starbucks."

"Oooh" Libby says pausing her bouncing for a second, "can I come?"

"I don't think so Libby," I say, trying to be as nice as possibe, "it's just gonna be me and Austin."

"Aww" Libby moans pouting, "but I wanna come, can I please come Audrey?"

"Libby no," I say more harshly than I had intended.

"Oh," she says, shying away into the couch, "thats okay, you and Austin just wanna have your kissy time in private," she smirks before jumping of the couch and dancing out the door singing, "Austin and Audrey up a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G," I laugh after her, before frowning. Libby never gives up a fight that easily, usually she will protest and make a fuss until you end up giving in or have to physically drag her to her room or away from the situation. Shaking away the thought I follow Libby out the door.

Back up stairs the apartment is just starting to wake up. The first rays of sunlight were peaking through the clouds and filtering down through the skyscrapers that surrounded Taylor's apartment. The sounds of bustling commuters on their way to work even in the holiday period had become louder, drowning out the sound of the morning birds.

"Hey Auds," a voice thick with sleep says from behind me. Spinning around I see Austin standing there in just sleeping shorts, his chest bare.

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