Chapter Twenty Eight

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I layed back on my bed in Taylor's  apartment, staring at the billions of twinkling lights that hung above me. I had just finished 'decorating' the bedroom Taylor had given me, all the photos  that I had taken over the summer now hanged above my bed on strings of fairy lights.

"Wow" I hear a voice say, turning  my head I see Taylor leaning against the  edge  of the door frame,  her eyes  flicking between  me and the lights.

"Wow, good or wow, bad?" I  ask her sitting up, swinging my legs over the side of the bed.

"Wow good" Taylor  says  laughing  "how long did it take you?" She asks curious.

"Dunno, whats the time?"

"Uh " Taylor  says  flicking on her phone "6" I look at her in shock "sorry I got back  later than I said"

But I wasn't  listening  to  her, I was meeting Alex at 7!

"Shit, shit, shit" I say, running  over to my suitcase.

"What? You  got plans?" Taylor  asks  slightly  hurt "I was going to ask if you wanted to go out to Chipotle?"

"I...uh, old friends " I mumble  not particularly  wanting to mention Alex to Taylor.

"Ahh" Taylor says smiling at me lightly "a catch up dinner is it?"

"Yup" I say lying through my teeth "and I have to be there at 7!"

"Thats in an hour!" Taylor shrieks, "here I'll help you"

"Please" I say as I slump down on the bed, Taylor smirks at me before dissapering out of the room.

My stomach was turning and I felt like I was gonna be sick.

"Audrey" I say to myself sternly "its just one night, what Taylor doesn't know won't hurt"

"What won't hurt?" Taylor asks, shit I think come on Audrey think.
"Uh," I cringe going red, wow Audrey, great cover up.

Taylor just laughs "tell me about it" Wincing I look away "oh hey, I found this for you, will you wear it?"

Turning back I see Taylor laying a little black dress on the bed, adored with lines of little silver gems.

"Taylor! Its perfect!" I breathe,  she smiles at me, her blue orbs  lighting up.

"Well put it on then!" Laughing,  Taylor helps me strip before  shimming the dress over my head.

"Perfect" she says smiling as she holds my hair back from my face "you look so grown up"

"Is that a good thing?" I ask nervously.

"Depends" Taylor giggles "now come on you've got places to be"

"What about my hair" I protest.

"It looks great" she offers before pulling out a tube of red lipstick.

"Taylor no!" I say, running towards the door.

"Aww but then you'll look just like me"

"Hahaha very funny" I say running down the stars, stumbling as I tumble towards the front door.

"You are pretty Audrey, honestly" Taylor says once she'd caught up with me "now ho have fun, be back before 12 yeah" I nod reaching for my converses.

"Nah uh" Taylor says before reaching behind her and grabbing a pair of low heels.

Pouting I slip them on before turning the handle on the door.

"Bye Taylor, see you later tonight"

"Bye beautiful, watch out for paps yeah? They'll be watching you for sure" she hugs me gently before pushing me out the door.

"Bye Tay" I say before closing it behind me and heading for the lift my shaking hand hitting the ground button.

Hey y'all, so im back, but not for long sorry.
Also I wanted to share something with you.
Today one of Taylor's songs was played at a beautiful girls funeral, she was only 17 and loved Taylor and lorde. It puts things in perspective.
Sorry for not writing much, but as u can see a lot of things have been going on.
~Cait ~

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