Chapter Four

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Carefully I walked back down the stairs, Taylor following behind me only to be greeted at the bottom with rest of her family.

"Ah there she is!" Scott exclaimed, pulling me into a hug "You okay now?" he asks with way to much enthusiasm.

"She's fine" Taylor intervened, knowing I wasn't really in the mood for talking, sending her a silent thank you I make my way over to the couch.

"Hey" Austin chirped as I sit down next to him, he was sitting next to my brother a Wii remote in one hand and a bag of chips in the other. 

"You have an exceptional ability at making yourself at home" I muttered darkly as he laughs.

"Aren't you just the adorable princess," he said messing up my hair, grumbling I try in vain to smoothen it back down.

"Would anyone like anything to eat?" Andrea called from the kitchen, obviously she'd been here before, not that I remember ever meeting her.

"No thank you." Taylor said politely, she was still hovering at the foot of the stairs looking slightly worried. It was unusual to see Taylor looking this way. Normally she looked cool, calm and relaxed. But now, she was biting her finger nails and picking at the skin on the side of her thumb. 

"What's wrong?" I asked getting up and walking over to her, she shook her head.

"I'm just stressed out you know, with work and everything and the release of my new album being 4 weeks away," honestly I didn't know what it was like to be her, but I was looking forward to her new album when a thought dawned on me.

"Taylor," I teased, "You know you love me so very much?" She eyed me suspiciously, "maybe seeing as you love me lots you could let me listen to the new album?" Taylor just laughs.

"Duh of course I will, you almost didn't even have to ask," she said. Her eyes lit up again and the worried look that had settled on her face vanished almost as quickly as it had appeared. 

 I ended up sitting on my bedroom floor with Taylor's phone in my hand, headphones on listening to 1989 as Taylor sat above me on my bed playing with my hair. The music was calming and Taylor's hand in my hair even more so.

"You have extremely soft hair," she stated after about 20 minutes of this, I turned to look up at her.

"Thanks?" I asked, Taylor laughed, ensuring me its a good thing, ten minutes later the sound of the front door opening down stairs awakens me from whatever trance Taylor's music had put me in.

"Mom." I whispered before slowly standing up and handing Taylor back her phone, "I'll listen to the rest later, it's really amazing. I just have to talk to my Mom right now." Taylor nodded understanding exactly.

"Mom!" I shouted running down the stairs, she looks up at me startled then winces at the look on my face.


Hey so heres another update for my awesome, awesome readers!


Family Friends (Taylor Swift Fanfiction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon