Chapter Forty Three

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I could just see the back of his head from where he stood at the sink. He had been avoiding me all night. We had flown into NY at 2pm, there was an hour time difference between Chicago and New York and even with the slight time change the twins body clocks had gone up the wall. My Mom and Andrea where sitting across from me on the couch, the twins were already in bed having crashed on the sofa at around 6pm. Taylor and Austin where now at the sink doing the dishes, in silence. The same silence that had been lingering in the room the whole evening.

"Audrey,"Andrea says suddenly, "are you okay darling? You've been awfully quite."

Looking up from the book I had been reading I give a forced smile, "Im fine, just tired. It's been a long day." Andrea smile back and so does my Mom.

Finishing my hot chocolate that Taylor had given me after dinner, I get up and make my way into the kitchen. Earning a smile from Taylor and barely even glance from Austin, I place my mug in the sink. My hand touches Austin's for a breif second and I feel him flinch beside me. Pulling away, I turn and leave the room. Frustrated I don't return to the living room, instead I run up the stairs and into the room I had adopted as my own the first time I had stayed here.

"Audrey!" A voice says, I stop dead in my tracks. Sitting in the middle of my room on my bed staring straight at the wall was Scott Swift.

"What are you doing?" I ask, proceeding causiosly into the room.

"Taylor told me about all the beautiful polaroids you had strung up in here, so I came and had look, there really something Audrey." He smiles at me, standing up he gestures into the air. "All yours, sorry if you feel like I envaded your privacy. It's just Taylor insisted I see them."

"It's fine," I say slightly shaken, "im glad you like them."

He grins," I best being going then, bye Audrey!" He waves at me before leaving the room.

"What just happened?" I ask myself as I flop down on my bed. The slightly weird encounter with Scott had almost made me forget why I had come upstairs anyway but not quite. What had I done wrong?

I must of fallen asleep because when I next wake up the time on my phone reads 11pm. Groggily I stand up and make my way out of the room. The hallway lights had been turned off but a yellow glow coming from under Taylor's door told me she was still awake.

"Taylor?" I whisper tapping lightly on the door, "you up?" I hear shuffling coming from inside the room and then the hallway is flooded with light.

Blinking I look up at her, "Hey," I say quietly as she pulls me into a hug, my head rests against her chest as I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in.

Once we were both settled on Taylors bed, she turns to me, "I'm sorry," I look at her and sigh lightly.

"Don't be, it's not your fault," I shake my head and collapse against the pillows.

"I tried to talk to him," Taylor starts, "but he didn't want to hear it," she gives me a sad smile, "I thought you were asleep?"

"Yeah, by accident," Taylor laughs.

"Only you would fall asleep by accident Audrey," smiling slightly I cuddle into Taylors side.

"Christmas is in two days," I whisper, "can you believe it?" Taylor loved christmas, whenever it came to festive holidays Taylor went to the extremes.

"What a stupid question to ask me Audrey, of course I am! Have you somehow turned a blind eye to all the decor in my apartment?"

"No...I," I trail off, "just trying to make conversation," I mumble, hiding the blush that had settled on my cheeks.

"Are you okay Audrey, honestly?" Taylor asks as I look up at her. I wasn't Taylor and I knew I sometimes struggled with feelings, I had the tendency to repress things when they got to deep.

"Im scared Taylor," I say plainly like a small child.

"Of what?"

"Im scared that I've left things in Chicago on a bad tone, I'm scared I won't make any friends in San Francisco. I'm worried about University, and my Mum being left with twins. I don't know what im doing half the time and I'm scared I'm gonna mess everything up again like last time. Taylor, what if Austin never talks to me again?" I let out a deep breath, having all these thoughts consuming my head for weeks, having them out in the open felt like a hundred tonnes of bricks had been lifted of my shoulders.

"Wow," Taylor says slowly, "thats a lot to be scared about Audrey."

"Yeah tell me about it," I whisper.

"What happened with you and Clara?" Taylor asks and I freeze, Clara was something I had been trying hard to forget.

"We fizzled out," I say with a slight sigh, "she doesn't talk to me at all now, just sits at the back of the class with Ella now. But that doesn't matter anymore does it? In 2 weeks I'll be on a plane to San Francisco."

"It matters," Taylor says," because their your friends."

"Were my friends Taylor, your missing a key word there."

Taylor shakes her head," No Audrey, she's still your friend. She just may of forgotten that. Promise me when you get back you'll talk to her?"

"Maybe," I muse, "or I'll just leave."

"And about the friends thing Audrey, I guarantee you will have friends so many friends their Audrey, you're amazing! Your smart, funny, cute, awkward and the coolest 18 year old I've ever met. Don't be afraid that no one will like you. People will only dislike you because they dislike the same thing about themselves. Don't let other people taint you or bring you down ever again okay?"

I nod numbly "Okay," because she's right. Maybe everything will be okay and maybe it's just my crazy brain turning everything inside out. Rolling over I pull the covers back and step out of the bed a rush of cold air hitting my warm legs.

"You leaving?" Taylor asks, watching me from where she lay half buried by a mountain of pillows.

"Yeah, m'tired."

"Turn off the light on your way out please!" Flicking off the lights I pause in the door way.

"Hey Taylor?" I say into the darkness.

"Mmm?" Comes her muffled reply.

"Thankyou for everything, really." Quietly I leave her room making my way across the hall and back into my cold empty bed, as my head hits the pillow I hear something crinkle under it. Pulling it out from under my head, I unfold it and slowly read it.
Hey Audrey,
I was wondering if you wanted to catch breakfast tomorrow?
Say Starbucks at 10?
Aust xxx

Smiling I refold it and tuck it back under my pillow before pulling the covers back over my head.

Maybe Taylor's right, things do always seem to sort themselves out.

Hey guys im back, I am so hopeless at this updating thing omg.
Also a little heads up, I suggest you guys start preparing yourself for the next 5 chapters because shit is gonna get real.
Love you all xxx
Cait xxx

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