Chapter Seven

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"So where's your Dad at?" Taylor asks and I freeze, we were about halfway through our game of 20 questions and I was really hoping Taylor wouldn't breach the subject of my Dad. You see my Dad left us about 8 months ago, him and Mom got in a fight. Not some small pathetic fight over who drank the last of the milk like they usually do but a big fight. Dad had come home late this week 4 out of the 5 nights he worked each time reeking of alcohol and claiming that he'd just been having a few beer's 'with the guys'. Mom took offense to this and started yelling at him about how he had a family waiting for him at home that needed taking care of. Dad who was rather tipsy started yelling at Mom about how he needed a break from everything and thats when their yelling match really started. Me, Tiger and Libby were all standing in the kitchen doorway watching silently, Libby and Tiger trying so hard not to cry when Dad yelled at Mom about having 'stupid twins' Mom was about to scream something back when Dad did the unthinkable.

He slapped her hard across the cheek leaving a bright red handprint. I think that was the final straw for Mom because she started yelling at Dad to get the hell out and he did, and never came back. Well he did come back but only to gather his things, and after that we never saw him again. He never came back pleading for Moms forgiveness even though we all know he should have. They never filed for a divorce either because neither could stand talking to each other for more than a minute and even though Mom claims to have no idea whats going on with Dad I know she still talks to him, I've over heard them on the phone a couple of times. He lives in San Francisco now, you couldn't have gotten further away if you tried Dad.

Looking at Taylor now I can tell she regrets asking that question, even though I haven't said anything I think the look on my face tells it all.

"Im sorry Audrey...I shouldn't have asked that...I" Taylor says in a hurry trying to back track what she'd just said.

"Its fine" I mumble not looking at Taylor knowing that she knew it wasn't fine. She doesn't say anything about it though, just stares at her fingers something I've learnt she does when she doesn't know what to say.

"Are you hungry?" I ask out of the blue making Taylor look up suddenly.

"Hmm not really" she replies "but we can go and see if dinners ready if you'd like?" I stare at her in shock, how can this girl not be hungry? She hasn't eaten anything since she got here wich was 6 hours ago.

"C'mon you must be hungry" I say pulling her off the bed and she laughs following me down the stairs.

"Hey you two, I was just about to come get you for dinner" Andrea says as we arive in the kitchen.

"Well were here" I say awkwardly earning a weird look from Taylor.

"Well come and sit" Scott calls from the dining room.

We were about halfway through our meal when I notice that Taylor's hardly touched her plate.

"Hey" I say quietly to her "do you not like spaghetti bologna?" Taylor looks at me and sighs before picking up her fork and pushing a meatball around her plate. Andrea was also giving Taylor a look, though I couldn't quite figure it out, was it dissapointment? Shaking my head I let it go and slide back into the conversation. Watching Taylor out the corner of my eye as we ate, something was going on and I was determined to find out what.

Hey guys so omg I had typedvthis all up and then wattpad crashed so I had to retype it yay!

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~ Cait ~

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