Bonus Chapter

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This Chapter is a bonus chapter of chapter 29 redone in Taylor's point of view, this is basically a behind the scenes chapter. Before you start reading this I suggest you go and reread both chapter 29 and chapter 30, it will make it easier for you to understand what is happening in this chapter. This chapter is NOT chapter 36, so if you wish you can skip this chapter and head straight to chapter 36 which I will hopefully upload latter tonight, if not im really sorry.
Thankyou, I hope you enjoy this :)

Taylor's POV

The door slammed shut in a wave of blonde hair and freshly applied perfume. Audrey had just left for what was probabaly gonna be a wonderful night out catching up with old friends. Honestly I was suppried she still kept in contact with them. Sighing I flop down on the couch only to see I had a text from Ed;
Hey Beautiful im in town, and I was wondering what you were up too? 

Looking at the text I see he had sent that to me two hours ago...oops.
Sorry I quickly type back just got that now, but if your still free...come on over!

'He's probably not free anymore Taylor' I mentally tell myself, slumping back down on the couch. I was tempted to text Audrey to make sure she had made it down in time but decided against it, im not her mother I don't need to be constantly cheeking on her, she's seventeen. Thinking of Audrey makes me smile, she reminds me of what I was like when I was her age, so young and naive. Now look at me, I was a mess, pieces of me were scattered everywhere and Ed was the one slowly having to pick them up and put them back toggether. Even Audrey had, had to pick up a few, the few I hadn't meant for her to know were broken.

The beeping of my phone shakes me from my thoughts, Ed had replied to my text, smiling I open it;
Thats good because im actually standing outside your door right now :)

Grinning I jump up off the couch and race down the hallway, throwing open the front door only to see Ed standing there holding to plastic bags and a bundle of flowers.

"Ed" I breathe, wrapping my arms tightly around his neck taking in his scent and all that he is.

"Hey Beautiful, are you gonna let me in?" Laughing I untangle my arms from around him and nudge the door back open.

"Definitely, but letting you out, well thats another story" chuckling Ed presses a chaste kiss on my lips before walking into the apartment.

"So I picked up some dinner on the way, I have chinese fried rice!" Grimicing I nod, just the thought of it makes my stomach turn.

"It's okay, you have it. I already ate" I mumble making my way back to the couch and flopping down.

"Tay?' Ed asks his voice a lot softer and steady "I thought we talked about this, you need to eat love" I had forgotten I had told Ed about my slight eating disorder, I remember now. Crying into his shoulder at 1am when everything felt like is had gotten to much.

"We have, Im trying Ed, I really am." I say quietly playing with a stray bit of cotton on the edge of the pillow.

"How about, some fruit?" Ed asks, walking over with a banana and a heaped plate of Chinese food.

"Okay" I whisper taking the banana, and peeling the skin off.

"I saw Audrey in the Lobby when I was coming in, wheres she off to?"

"Catching up with old friends I think" Ed nods thoughtfully, shovling food in his mouth.

"She was with a boy I think" He says absintmindedly, "Want to watch a movie?"

Two movies and three cups of hot chocolate later me and Ed were cuddled up on the couch, Ed was playing with my hair, he kept on ruffling it and the patting it down again.

"Stahp" I mumble swatting his hand away halfheartdly.

"Someone looks tired" he chuckles, reaching for his phone.

"Whats the time?" I mumble trying to sit up and look at his phone.

"Just gone one" he mutters switching off his phone.

"What?!" I shout jumping up, now fully awake. Audrey was meant to be home by now, where was she? Worry and anxiety began to set in really fast, she was and hour out past curfew, and I was jumping to asumptions. Ed was staring at me, worry lining his face.

"Tay...?" He asks confused by sudden outburst.

"Audreys not home yet, she's an hour late" saying it outloud to Ed suddenly made everything a whole lot more real. This isn't Chicago anymore, Audrey doesn't know this city as well as she knows Chicago. This is New York for god sakes. Even Ed was looking concerend.

"Im sure she'll be fine" he whispers as he pulls me into his chest, I can't control it this time. Tears began to fill my eyes and I felt as if I was drowning in my own sobs.

Where was Audrey?

Here you go guys, the first chapter in Taylors POV, if you guys liked this tell me and I will doa few more at the end of the book. Sorry its short, im trying to write the next proper chapter atm.

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