Chapter Thirty Eight

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Days were turning into weeks and weeks slowly turned into months. My life had turned into a routined blur, go to school, come home from school, study, sleep. It had been 4 weeks since I had last  talked to Taylor.  Her album titled 1989 had been realesed 3 weeks ago and was definitly making waves in the music industry. Currently the album was sitting at number one in nearly all countries, with the singles Blank Space and Shake It Off back to back on the charts in the spots number one and two. The album had of course exceeded recored sales reaching well over a million in its first week. I hadn't spoken to Taylor personally since our last skype call which was well over 3 weeks ago, but I had seen candids of her on instagram and tumblr and I could feel the positive energy radiating of her.

It was 3 days till Thanksgiving, I was going to be seeing Taylor in just one day, as they were coming early. The only thing that was stopping me from running around in excitement was that Austin wasn't gonna be there. I had to wait till christmas to see him. Something I don't think I could physically do. It was going to be my 18th birthday on the 28th of this month, and originally I was gonna throw a big party and invite all of my 'friends'. But now I had something even better planned, something that involved a risky midnight road trip to a place i'd never been to before. I had just started getting driving lessons and was now on my restricted lisence. Though I had a strange fear of driving by myself I knew I had to if I wanted clarity for the next month.

Today was the last day of school before thanksgiving, that this year happened to fall on a Monday. It felt weird, this was going to be my last thanksgiving break, this time next year who knows where I'll be. In a good place hopefully.

"Audrey" a small voice enters my thoughts. Libby was standing next to my bed, school bag on her back, her uniform crumpled, her hair in an unatrual state.

"Hey beautiful" I say spinning around one last time in the mirror before making my way over to her "whats up?". I was incharge this morning. Mom had left early for work meaning it was my job to get Libby and Tiger to the bus in time as well as getting myself orginised for my usual 8:30 pick up from Clara.

"I need you to do my hair" Libby says beaming up at me as she places a hot pink hair brush in my hand. Begining on the dreadful task that was Libby's hair.

20 minutes later Tiger, Libby and I were all standing in front of our streets bus stop, it had just gone 8:20 and I had an unsettling feeling  that we had missed.

"I think you mised it" Tiger says kicking at a stone.

"Excuse me" I say snapping at the small boy "im not the one catching the bus!"

"Well what are we gonna do anyway?" Tiger asks.

Sighing I pick up both their school bags that they were refusing to wear "lets go back home and see if Clara can give us all a lift.

"Ew Clara" Tiger states "her car smells perfume they use on dogs."

As we were walking back to the house, I notice that I had a message from Clara.
Hey, I can't pick you up this morning, Ella gave me a ride instead. She's super nice ya know!
Luv ya xxx

"Change of plans" I mutter " were just gonna have to take the other car and I'll drive you guys to school" I watch in horror in both of the kids eyes widen in shock.

"But Audrey thats illegal!"  Libby explains, she was extremely smart for her age.

"Illegal!" Tiger grins "lets do it!"

Slowly  I climb into dads old car, it was weird sitting here in the drivers seat of his car. It hadn't been used in such a long time and to think in just 2 short months I'd be living with him in San Francisco. Making sure all the kids where buckled in I back out ontomthe street. Our street was relatively quiet, but its only one block away from the main freeway so we get a lot of motor noise. The trip to the twins school was less than 15 minutes, so we managed to get there in time. Thankfully because Libby has a thing about being late to anywhere.

I had made up my mind on the way there that I wasn't going to go to school today. I didn't want to face another day of humiliation and after this mornings text I had a feeling today was going to be worse than normal. It wasn't like meto just bunk off school but with everything that had happened this past 6 weeks, was I even me anymore?

I had changed so much, I had grown in character. I think thats what you call, as much as I love English I have tendency to never listen in class.

Making it safely back to the house I park the car back in its original spot in the garage. Mom would kill all of us if she knew we what we just did this morning. But I knew she would double kill me if she knew I bunked school. But thankfully im always home before her and the school never rings home to check where we are.

As soon as I make it into my room I collapse onto my bed, letting out all the emotions I had kept bottled inside me for weeks. Pretty soon tears were streaming down my cheeks, I was lying down face up on my bed staring at the roof, where me and Taylor had plastered a collage of photos so that we'd have something to look at, at night. Looking at the photos made me cry even more, especially the one of me and Austin at the photo booth that day he picked me up from the cinema, something I had never mentioned. I was a hot sobbing mess, my perfectly done makeup running away with my tears. It was weird feeling crying tears of pain, mixed with those remember the happy memories  displayed above me. My phone was vibrating in my pocket, checking it I was half expecting to see a sleazy comment from Ella but there was only a text from Mom.
Hey gorgeous, hope you guys got to school alright.
Andrea just texted, her and Taylor, just flew in. They caught the earlier fight as Scott can no longer come. Im just letting you know so you don't get a shock when you come home from school.
Mom xxxx

That meant Andrea and Taylor would be here soon, we didn't live to far away from the airport, maybe 30 minutes at the most.

Making myself look presentable was going to be a big mission so instead I decided to change out of my school clothes and into some sweats that matched my mood a bit more.

Going back to my bed I find another text this one was from Ella.
Hey bitch,
Why aren't u at school? Is it coz Clara wasn't there 2 pick u up and you're 2 poor 2 catch the bus?
Hahaha stupid sluts these days.
Love ya babe xxx

Great. Just great. In my vulnerable state even that simple text was enough to send me over the edge but I knew I had to hold it in just a little longer because I had just heard a key turning in the front door.

Voices filled the front room, and it took almost everything in me not to run down the stairs and jump into Taylors arms. But they didn't know I was home, Mom was bound to of told them all us kids were at school.

"I guess I'll take my stuff up to Audreys room yeah?" I heard Taylor say, and imeadetly my blood ran cold. She was coming up here, I had to do something. I couldn't exactly just sit there on my bed with tears streaming down my face and go 'oh, hey Taylor'.

Quickly I clamberd into my bed and pulled all the covers and pillows on my, my head falling onto my already tear soaked pillow. Your a fucking genius Audrey, I think to myself as I hear Taylor enter the room. I could hear a lot of shuffling about and Taylor humming to herself, I thought she had left the room and I was safe to come out. That was until I felt a weight hit me square in the shoulders. Taylor was sitting on me and there was nothing I could do but hold my breath and hope like hell she got up quick.

First up im so sorry you guys had to wait that long for an update, but guess what?!I've finnaly got that sorted. I've created an updating schedule so now updates should be coming every Saturday or Sunday!
Second thing is this is probably the longest thing I've ever written and it took me about 3 days to write lol so please comment and vote!
I love you all so much!
Also one more thing, I am gonna be in Australia at the end of this month so I updates might come slower then, also if you live in Australia thats really cool!
~Cait ~

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