Chapter Thirty Seven

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"And you got my phone taken off me" I laugh, as Taylor shifts the camera on her laptop around so I could see all the copies of 1989 she was signing.

"Haha im sorry Audrey" I was skyping Taylor, she had called me as soon as I had gotten home demanding we talked.  I was still a little bit uneasy due to my near panic attack and the text I had received from my dad.

"Its okay" I say fiddling with my headphones, avoiding Taylor's eye.

"Hey" I hear Taylor say softly, slowly I look up.


"Are you okay?" I wasn't really, but I didn't want her to worry so I wasn't gonna tell her. But like most people, for me 'are you okay?' Is a trigger question and in that small moment of weakness I buckled and somehow everything that had happened that day spilled out. I told Taylor about, Mr Laney and Ella, about all the looks everyone was giving me. How Clara had acted and my near panic attack. I also slipped the text from my dad. By the end of my fast rambling I had tears spilling down my cheeks and Taylor was doing her best to calm me down from the other side of America.

"Shhh Audrey, it's okay beautiful we all have days like that. Its okay to feel sad sometimes and its okay to cry. I really wish I was there with you right now, so that I can hug you and hold you tight. But sadly im not, and the best I can do is talk to you through this stupid screen. So just keep your chin up, don't do anything stupid. I'll see you soon okay?"

"Okay" I say quietly my lip wobbling, I was about to say something more when I hear someone call out in the background and Taylor turns away from the screen.

"Sorry" Taylor says smiling, why was she smiling? "I think someone wants to talk to you Audrey" then Taylor shifts from the screen and I see someone elses face full the screen. Austin.

"Austin!" I say shocked "what are you doing, I thought you would be back at Uni by now!"

"I was just about to leave" Austin says quietly "but I heard my princess crying and I thought I'd better go and see what was wrong" he flashes me a shy grin, before pulling is hat off is head and ruffling his hair.

"Thankyou" I choke out "im okay really"

"Liar" I hear Taylor call out in the background, Austin laughs.

"Hey, I have to go now Audrey. Stay strong little one, your always gonna be my princess" he says cupping his hands into a love heart and pressing them against the screen.

"I love you" I call out, my voice barely audible, but I know Austin heard me.

"I love you to, princess" and with that he dissapered from the screen, taking half of my heart with him.

The week passed slowly, it was now 11pm on Sunday the 26th. Taylors new album was out tomorrow so I wasn't expecting to hear from her for at least a couple weeks. This week hadn't been a good week. I had been traumatized at school and was slowly getting picked to pieces. I had sat by on my computer screen as images of Taylor and her girlfriends popped up, and my heart would ache to be with her, with them. I especially hated it when pictures of Austin apeared, it made me feel so small seeing all the comments under his instagram photos. I was a tiny girl, in Austin's big and fast moving life. No doubt he will have forgotten me before the school term ends.

"Knock, knock" I hear a gentle voice say, looking up I see my Mom standing there, in her pajamas two cups of cocoa in her hand.

"Hey Mom" I say quietly, shifting over making room for heron the bed.

"Whats wrong beautiful?" She asks, brushing my hair away from my face.

"Nothing, I just miss them" Mom nods, I wasn't going to tell her about school, not yet anyway.

"Well thats what I wanted to talk to you about" I look up at her confused.

"What?" I ask, wondering what on earth she was on about.

"Well I've been speaking with Andrea and I've invited them to spend thanksgiving with us!"

"What?" I shriek, jumping up and down, "omg Mom thats the best!"

"Yeah" she says smiling "sadly Austin can't come because of other comittments,  but thats okay because were going to be spending Christmas in NYC with them!"

"Mom, I don't know what to say!"

"You don't have to say anything beautiful" she whispers "I know you need an older sister right now, and seeing as you don't have one, Taylor makes a pretty good stand in." My smile was probably taking up my entire face and my cheeks were hurting but I didn't care. I was going to be seeing Taylor in three weeks.
You just have to hold on till then... I think to myself as my head falls against my Moms chest.

Sneeky little update for y'all!
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~ Cait ~

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