Chapter Forty Two

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A seemingly endless grey cloud had settled over Chicago the morning of our flight to New York. It had been drizzling here for the past two weeks as autumn changed to winter. Chicago never took winter to harshly, sure we had thd occasional snow full, welcomed by most. It turned the normally dirty grey city into a pristine white wonderland. I have memories of when I was younger running around in the snow with Dad, laughing and squealing in delight with every snowball. Building endless snowman in the backyard and trying to drag the twins out to see them, who were only about 2 at the time. Snow wasn't a rare occurrence in New York either, five year old me just never got to enjoy it. We lived in a tiny apartment, 6 floors up, with a balcony the size of a kitchen sink. Not exactly enough room to enjoy snow to it's full extent. I think as I got older I began to welcome snow less and less. There's no real explanation as to why we no longer enjoy things we used to love as we grow up. Some will tell you point blank that your to old for it now and to act more mature. But the only way that I've found you can explain is that as you grow up things start to loose their magic.

It doesn't happen all of a sudden, it happens slowly and almost goes by unnoticed, until Christmas rolls around and presents just become presents. You're no longer waking up at 6am on your birthday and you don't really care if you have a party or not. Don't get me wrong I love everything I just mentioned, but I don't love them as much as I did. Maybe I've gone way to deep with this, but watching the twins squabbling in the backseat as we drive to the airport 2 days before Christmas made me think what it would be like to be them right now.

Mom pulls the car into a space outside the airport, putting it in park she turns to me.
"Audrey, can you please grab the bags out of the trunk? Libby and Tiger will help you. Im going to drive the car around the back into secure parking. I'll meet you at check in," she smiles at me before popping open the trunk.

"Okay you two," I say smiling at them, "lets go!"

Twenty minutes later the three of us were standing at the check in line scanning the departures hall for my Moms bright red duffel coat.

"I can't see her," Tiger says plainly tugging on my sleeve, "can we just go Audrey?"
Tiger and Libby were sitting on top of the suitcases, Libby had her headphones in and Tiger was playing on his Ipad.

"Oh my, I'm sorry kids," Mom rushes in cheeks flushed from the cold, "the ticket line was so long."

"Can we go now please?" Tiger moans, he was more impatient than usual as neither of the twins had ever been on a plane.

As we drew closer to the front of the check in line the nerves in my stomach began to set in. I was 2 hours away from seeing Austin. I hadn't seen him in 2 and a half months and we had rarely talked on the phone in that time. A million questions were buzzing around in my head. Does he still like me? Where do we stand? What if he hates me? I shudder trying my best to push those thoughts to the back of my mind.

"Okay Audrey?" Mom asks as she picks up her handbag from the other side of the scanner.

"100%" I mumble, taking my own bag out of the slim metal tray.

Taylor was paying for our flights so of course we were flying business class, a first for my Mom who had only ever been on 4 plane trips in her life. She had flown to London when she was 26 to visit her boyfriend at the time, needless to say their relationship didn't last long. She had driven from New York to Chicago many times but had never flown. The last time she had been on a plane was when I was 6 and Mom, Dad and I flow from Chicago to Hawaii for a summer vacation. That was our first summer in Chicago and also our last holiday by plane. We had gone on numerous camping weekends and had even gone on a two week long road trip to Charlestown (something I never ever want to relive) but when dad left we just stopped. Mom buried herself in work, I busied myself with school and the twins. We got by just the 4 of us and now watching Mom apply a shocking color of red lipstick on her lips I think we've finnaly pulled through.

"Can all passengers traveling on flight BA1320 to New York City please proceed to gate 19, your flight is now boarding," a crackly voice says.

"We're going on a plane! Can you believe it?" Tiger says jumping up, tripping over the untied shoelaces on his Nike kicks.

"What if it crashes?" A small voice whispers from behind me. Libby was standing there gripping her binky bear so tightly I could see the vains running across the top of her hand.

"It'll be okay," I whisper, "come on, you'll see," taking her hand I lead her to the end of the line behind Mom and Tiger who were waiting to board the plane.

Walking down the air bridge and into the cold air conditioned plane I feel the knot in my stomach twist itself even tighter.

"You sure you're okay?" Mom asks again once we're seated, I was sitting next to Mom with the twins sitting across the isle from us, coloring in books open on their laps.

"Im nervous Mom," I whisper resting my head on her shoulder. It had been awhile since I had been honest and open with my Mom. So many things had been happening lately that I guess I kinda forgot she was someone I could confide in.

"Why honey?" Mom asks, "is it because of him?"

"I don't know Mom, what if he no longer likes me?" Sighing I full back into my chair as the plane wheels leave the ground.

"Baby of course he stills likes you, where on earth did you get that idea thought from?" Mom rubs my shoulder as I hold in a breath.

"I don't know, my minds a mess."

"Oh Auds, your not a mess honey. Your amazing and anyone who can't see that is blind," she stats and I crack a smile.

"Thanks Mom," I mumble.

"Hey," Mom says, "when we get to NY none of these thoughts are going to matter because Taylor will be there and Austin will be there and you'll forget all your worries."

"I hope so," I whisper letting out a deep breath I snuggle into my Moms shoulder trying to control my thoughts for the next two hours and focus my mind on the droning noise of the plane engine and the childish laughter coming from the seats across from us.

Heyyy Guys!
Here is a brand new chapter for you! Sorry its super late and blah blah blah, I want to say I've been busy but I haven't hahaha I just haven't had the motivation to write.
So to fix that problem I am going to create an upload schedule that I will try to follow. Here's what im gonna do;
Im going to upload (hopefully) once a week on day that suits you guys my awesome readers, so in the comments leave what day you prefer me to upload!
Also a few of you have been questioningme about when I am going to be updating my other works. I will be updating them once I have finished writing this one. There are about 6-10 more chapters on this novel and then I will start working on my sweeran fanfiction. I am also reworking my book the right to sophistication!
So now that you guys are caught up I just wanna saythankyou and I love you!
Cait xxxx

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