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A little whimper fled my lips as those words left his mouth. I didn't know what to ask or say so I sat there, tranquil. 

"Just leave." He ordered. I shook my head theoretically, not fully agreeing with him at all. I wanted to know what was bugging him. I wanted to know the causes of his anger. I needed to know. All about him. 

"No," I said, audibly. My lips shivered a little with a pout at my erroneous answer. I didn't know what came over me to have that fearless confidence but I was soon to regret it. 

"What did you say?" His voice was deep and sullen and balanced like the noise of the thunder and storm. Every word he spoke, reeled me to the core scoring a shiver from me. I wasn't supposed to be so helpless but I can't help it. Just like I'd said, he was my predator and I was his prey.

"I said I'm not going nowhere. I'm going to stay here and you're gonna tell me what's bothering you either you like it or not." I stumped my foot to the chilly ground, a small quake gained from the small act. I was behaving like a child now but I didn't care or mind. I was done with his madness. 

He gritted his teeth as a lion does to his prey and furiously matched forward to me and yanked me by my arm, very tortuously. 

"Listen to me, little girl." His voice held with authority and at once I submitted to him, trying to yank my arm away from him. "You don't dare fuck with me or disobey me. Whatever I tell you, that's what you're going to do and right now, I want you to fucking leave." He told. 

I couldn't even blink due to the lewd warm honey eyes that gawked at me and told his threat. I wince a little, his hold growing tighter by the second. His lips twerk up to a smirk, another dangerous thought in his unsafe mind. 

"What's wrong now? You were talking and showing your shitty braveness just a few minutes ago. Why not now? Cat got your tongue?" He closed the small vicinity that was just left, my breath ragged and heavy. He was too close, close enough for me to take in his calming cologne. I hated that he can make me feel this way. Why? My legs were jelly just from standing this close. 

"Speak." He ordered, his voice heated and fanned against my cheek. I reddened, even more, squirming on my spot. I was speechless to say. All this was enough for me. 

"I-I." I shuttered lost for words. His smirk increased and I pouted, feeling like I lost and In which I did. 

"I won't repeat it. Leave now." He told, calmly retracting from the position we were in. I inhaled and exhaled softly, trying to catch my breath. Why does he get me feeling weird? 

I caught my bag my its strap and threw it around my shoulder, pressing it tightly to my skin. I turned around ready to leave when our bodies came in contact with each other. I gasped a little, holding myself balanced. 

"Watch where you go doll face!"He warned, his eyes glowing below the dark grey cloud that shone directly on his beautiful eyes. I gulped, feeling my tummy rumbled inside. I nodded and left, a close call called. 

I emit my deep difficult breathing once I got outside. I stooped, panting for air that I didn't know when it came. After gathering myself together, I moved on, walking to the cafeteria for it was lunchtime.

"Hey." Jules waved at me gesturing for me to come towards her table. I shrugged my shoulders down, a little eased to see people I was familiar with. 

"Hey." I greeted placing my bag on my lap and sitting down. Jules already got my food with and now I was waiting for Chloe. 

"Do you know where Chloe is?" I asked, taking a bite from my chips. She shook her head, her lips curled up in a frown. 

"Not at all. But I saw her with this girl, that looks so hot. I think her name was Jessica, right?" She asked in thoughts. My eyes wandered looking for Lin anywhere I could find him after the miserable incident that happened at the back of the school. He too wasn't to be found. 

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