The End of the Beginning

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       Elliot spent most of his time in his room, playing virtual reality games. His dad was always at work, except for this one week. This week he got to stay at home with his family. Not that Elliot noticed. Instead, he focused on beating Level 678 of Moon Wars. Elliot did not know much about the moon, but he did know two things.

1. The moon was definitely not made out of cheese.

His mother told him that when he was younger, and he believed her. Now he does not.

2. People on the moon were evil.

He knew this. In fact, everyone knew this. They were the people that started the first War of Worlds 30 years ago. There was still a lot of damage from that war.

     That was not what was on his mind, though. What was on his mind was in order to get enough credits to finish high school, he needed to be part of the student exchange program. He didn't know why the school still kept that system, it was so old. Since his high school did it, he had to do it too.  Apparently, he had an exchange student from Britain. Why was it always an exchange student from Britain?

     He did not even bother to read the person's profile. As far as he knew, he would come, go, and that would be it.

      "Elliot!" his mother called.

He decided he would pretend he did not hear that.

      "Elliot? Elliot!"

He finally shut off the set and went downstairs.


      "Do you realize the exchange student is coming in one hour and you're still not ready?"

       "Good one, mom. I know he's coming on Thursday."

       "Have you checked the profile recently? He's coming in an hour!"

Elliot checked the profile and, sure enough, the student was coming today. Elliot shrugged. The exchange student was a guy. A guy would not notice whether or not he took a shower, right?

Elliot fell asleep in his bed and the next thing he knew, he could hear his mom from downstairs...

     "Hello, it's so nice to meet you! I guess Elliot didn't read your profile..."

      "Crap, the exchange student is here," Elliot mumbled as he leaped out of bed.

Elliot ran down the stairs to meet the student, and mentally noted that he would stop being so lazy. He probably wouldn't complete that, though. His mother met his eyes has he passed the final step.

    "Elliot, say hello to Nova!" his mother said with clenched teeth.

Nova was a weird name for a guy, but who was he to judge?

Suddenly, Nova came from the corner and showed her face. Elliot stood there, frozen.

   "You're a girl?" Elliot blurted out.

   "If it wasn't obvious, yes."

   "Wow." Elliot rolled his eyes.

Elliot's mother stabbed him in the ribs with her elbow.

   "I mean, it's nice to meet you."

Elliot's mother showed Nova where she would be staying, and came back to Elliot.

   "Elliot, could you please, just try to let her have a nice stay?"

    "Why should I even care? We're just having her here for the credits."

    "Well, if you didn't notice, she has to enjoy the stay here, in order to get those credits."

     "She has to enjoy it?"

Elliot sighed and agreed to try and make her feel at home.

It was going to be a very long week.


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