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    Nova was humming along to her very song as she played with her smart pad in the living room. She sat on the fluffy rug in the living room. Why? Because she always wanted to sit on it. And what better time then now? She had been in a good mood all day. Her lively tune was interrupted by a call.

It was Jade, so she plopped it on the coffee table and put it on hologram.

"Okay, we're here, we made it," Jade said quickly, still adjusting the camera.

Next to her was Jasmine on the couch. She had her hair tied up in a messy bun and she was wearing an oversized hoodie. She looked bored.

"What are you waiting for? Spill," Jade said excitedly.

"Crap, no wait, I need my popcorn," Jade said, rushing off the couch.

"Get me some too!" Jasmine yelled over to her.

"What are you guys talking about?" Nova asked as she chuckled.

"Mason said that Ethan said that you guys are basically official," Jade told her, sitting back down on the couch with popcorn. She handed Jasmine the second bowl.

"What? No we- Wait Ethan said that?" She asked.

"That's what I heard. Because apparently Ethan spent hours on the phone talking about it with Mason."

"And I thought we only did that with our besties," Jasmine shrugged as she munched on the popcorn.

Nova blushed at the thought.

"Well, he said he loved me, and that's about it," Nova shrugged like it was no big deal.

Damn, am I good at acting.

They both just sat there in silence.

"I need a moment to process," Jade said.

"Well? Did you say it back?" Jasmine asked.

"I slapped him," Nova smirked, waiting for their reaction.

They both stayed completely quiet. 

"One moment," Jade said calmly.

Then she grabbed the nearest pillow and screamed inside.

"That's her supportive scream," Jasmine told her.

"Relax, Jade," Nova chuckled.

"I said it back. Because I meant it," Nova told them.

"Thank God!" Jade sighed a sigh of relief.

"So you guys are official now!" Jasmine nearly screamed.

Then they started cheering and giving each other high-fives. Nova almost found it amusing.

"Um, no," Nova corrected them.

"We are not together."

"What?" They both nearly shouted.

"Let me get this straight," Jade said, shaking her head.

"You guys spend every second of every minute of every day together and confessed your love to each other, and you guys still aren't a couple?"

"Pretty much," Nova shrugged.

"I have lost all hope," Jasmine said dramatically, leaning back on the couch.

How much did they want this?

"He's probably going to ask you any second now!"

"Oh come on now Jade," Nova rolled her eyes.

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