Twenty Four

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       "I think I have an idea on how to destroy the Ultra Weapon," Jade told Nova and Elliot.

       "At least, how to put the Lunar Army out of reach from it."

       "Let's hear it," Elliot said.

Jade nodded and opened the holographic information pad.

      "We can install a computer virus-"

      "Nope that sounds terrible," Elliot said.

      "Instead, let's throw it in a volcano."

      "Seriously," Jade rolled her eyes.

      "It's indestructible, remember?"

     "But who's going to guess it's in a volcano?" Elliot answered.

     "And it'll turn into rock over time," Nova considered.

     "By the time someone finds it, it won't be our problem," Elliot smiled.

     "Are you guys really considering this?" Jade sighed.

     "Technically it would work. Simple as that," Ethan said.

     "Where would we even find a volcano?"

     "Well, we did leave a helicopter on the beach," Nova told her.

     "I'm sorry?"

     "Long story."

Jade shook her head.

     "There is no way we are going to carelessly toss this deadly object in a volcano," Jade told them, finding the weapon.

      "Why not?" Nova pouted.

      "It's much easier. We're less likely to fail," Elliot said.



      "What?" Nova answered, without looking at Jade.

      "It's gone."

Nova and Elliot both looked at for a minute.

      "What do you mean, 'it's gone'?" Elliot asked her.

     "The Ultra Weapon! It's gone! As in, no longer present-"

     "I know what gone means," Elliot rolled his eyes.

     "Who could've taken it?" Nova asked, panicked.

     "Does it look like I know?"

     "Well, we have to help you find it," Nova told Jade.

     "Most definitely not. You guys stay here, and I'll scan the area for suspects," Jade instructed them.

Jade changed, gave them both a look that said, 'I'm serious,' and left.

      "I'm going," Elliot said.

      "Are you kidding me? You can't!" Nova exclaimed.

      "It's too dangerous for-"

      "Look, do you know how much your life is in danger right now?" Elliot said seriously.

       "I'm not going to sit here doing crap," He told her.

And just like that, Nova was alone. Probably not the smartest idea.

Nova paced back and forth, debating with herself.

Should I go or not. Ethan was right...I am in danger. But, technically, I was in the same danger before. But I'm going to be responsible and stay here.

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