A New Chapter

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    "What?" Nova says, whipping herself around.

There Robert was standing, pointing a laser gun similar to hers directly at her. Nova pulled her laser gun out of her back pocket and shakily pointed it at him, too.

   "Do you think I didn't know you were a spy?" Robert snarled.

   "None of your stories made sense. I came here to eliminate you."

   "When did you figure it out?" Nova trembled.

    "The very first moment. All the clues were dropped. I knew for sure when you said you were Elliot's girlfriend." Robert told her.

    "There is no way Elliot would ever get a girlfriend."


    "You're trapped. Surrender," Robert instructed her.

Nova attempted to run out the back door. Robert shot the laser gun, missing her by a millimeter. Nova ducked and aimed the laser gun at Robert, but couldn't bring herself to do it.

Robert called someone on his watch and Nova knew she had to leave as soon as possible. Soon, cars were outside, people coming outside to see what was the commotion. Fortunately, they were in the front, giving her enough time to escape from the back. She pulled a big black hood over her head and ran out the door. She kept running, but she could see someone chasing after her. She was getting tired; she could barely breathe. She didn't know how she was going to make it out alive. Suddenly, when she got to the corner of a building, someone pulled her over.

     "Follow me!" Elliot said.

     "Why should I do that?" Nova said angrily.

     "Are you seriously going to do that? Right now?"

Nova had to admit, he had a good point.

She ran after him, following him without thinking about it. Then she saw it.

      "Oh no. Not that again!" Nova whimpered.

      "I don't really think you have a choice. If we don't get in now, they could follow us."

Nova sighed as she climbed into the passenger seat of the helicopter. Ethan started the helicopter.

      "Can you drive this thing?" Nova shouted.


Nova didn't even argue.

       "So, would you like to tell me why you have hundreds of people chasing after you?" Elliot questioned.

       "I'll tell you later," Nova told him.

They landed in a deserted place. When Nova adjusted her eyes, it almost looked like a beach. In fact, it was a beach.

      "Where the hell are we?" Nova wondered aloud.

      "Somewhere along the coast of California," Ethan checked his watch.

Nova took it off his wrist and threw it into the water.

      "Ethan, do you realize they can track us with that thing?" Nova hissed.

      "Well I'm sorry, maybe you could have told me that before hurling my watch into the ocean!"

Nova rolled her eyes and started walking away.

      "Where are you going?"

       "How should I know?" Nova grumbled.

       "You can't stay here. You can't stay with me," Nova told him, turning around.

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