Best Frenemies

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   Nova sat in the room that was given to her as she analyzed things. Where was the father? She needed to take him down as soon as possible. She gave her coordinates on her smartwatch and some basic information.

     "I just got into the house. Robert Roberts is not here, only the-"

Suddenly someone knocked on the door, startling her and making her tumble backward.

   "Y-yes? Come in!"

Elliot opens the door and smiled.


    "Um...hi," Nova said hesitantly.

Not going to lie, he's kind of cute, Nova thought.

    "So..." Elliot trailed off.

   "So hi, I'm Nova," Nova said brightly.

   "I'd love to get to know you and be your friend!"

Elliot looked at her for a moment.


Suddenly, they heard another knock on the door. It was Elliot's mom.

   "Hello there kids!" she chirped.

    "Hi Mrs. Roberts," Nova said.

    "Please, darling. Call me Janet," she said.

    "Anyways, I have a little surprise for all of you. Follow me!"

Elliot sighed and followed.

They walked into the kitchen and Elliot's mom invited them to sit down at the dining room table. Nova wondered what she was going to do, but didn't worry about it too much. As long as this did not take too long, she would be fine.

    "I have a little game for you guys to play!" Janet said happily.

Both kids looked at her. Elliot's face flushed.

     "Never Have I Ever. It's a really old-school game that was created decades ago!"

     "You have to use your voice to play?" Elliot asked.

      "Yep. You kids can play without me." Janet said as she got up from the table.

She explained to them how to play the game. Nova was focusing on a way to find out where the father was. Maybe this game would give her a way to find out.

Janet left the room. Elliot looked at Nova.

     "Well...Never have I ever broken a bone."

     "I have," Nova said.

     "Eight times. Once, two bones at the same time."

     "How'd that happen?" Elliot asks with a stifled laugh.

     "I can't remember. I do a lot of weird things."

      "Bet. I've probably done way weirder things than you," Elliot smiled.

Nova laughed.

     "One time, I nailed a sandwich to a wall." Nova challenged.

     "Why the heck would you do that?" Elliot asked.

     "Hey, I told you I'm weird!"

     "Once, I drew faces on my toes, and had a conversation with them in public," Elliot said.

Nova stared at him. Now THAT was weird. Soon, she broke out laughing. She laughed until her sides hurt.

   "Okay, I think you win," she said, still erupting in laughter.

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