Sudden Confluence

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Nova woke up with a sharp headache. The room was blurry for a minute before her eyes adjusted. Her eyes adjusted to the room, dark and grey with a ray of sunlight peeking out.

She saw that Ethan was on the couch looking at something on his smart pad. She sat up, the glare from the sun making it hard to see. Ethan turned around to see Nova staring back at him.


Nova kneeled on the bed so Ethan could hug her. Nova felt tired and weak. It didn't help that Ethan was hugging her so tightly she was about to pass out.

    "What's going on?" Jade asked as she and Mason barged through the door.


Jade hugged Nova and smiled as Mason hugged her with one arm.

   "What the hell happened to you?" Jade asked.

   "I...don't exactly remember."

   "Of course she doesn't. It would be too easy that way," Mason said.

Jade kicked him and smiled.

    "That's fine."

    "We have an idea."

They explained everything. All of their ideas, plans, and excitements that they had created in less than a day.

    "Wait. We're going to find a source? How are we supposed to do that without getting caught?" Nova asked.

    "And, more importantly, what is the source?" She questioned.

    "Before we go all the way to the moon looking for it."

Jade and Mason looked at each other for a split second.

    "We're working on that."


  Nova sat on a chair outside, scrolling through her smart pad. Jade and Mason had told her and Ethan that they would research the source, even though Nova insisted they would help. Nova was still feeling lazy, and confused. She decided to wear jeans and an oversized cardigan over her tank top.

  Ethan came outside. Nova didn't look up from her smart pad. He leaned against the doorway waiting for her to notice.

     "So you're just going to ignore me?" Ethan asked.

     "Yep," Nova said, without looking up.

      "I see how it is."

Nova laughed and looked up. Ethan was looking down at her, the glare from the sun shining in his eyes. It was a bright day; so bright, she had to squint to look across. But it was beautiful. The grass was a bright green, with little drips of water making it sparkle.

     "What are you looking at?" Ethan asked, snapping her back to reality.

      "Who? Me? Nothing," She said, shaking her head.

      "It is a nice day though," Ethan said nonchalantly.

Nova looked at him. She decided not to say anything and just nod.

      "You okay?" Ethan asked out of the blue.

      "I guess," Nova said.

      "Just thinking. About things."

      "Go on."

Nova waved her hand.

      "It's not really that important,"

      "Of course you are."

Nova looked up at him.

     "I mean it is," Ethan said awkwardly, scratching the back of his head.

     "Well...I mean.." Nova trailed.

      "What are the chances of us doing it successfully? I mean..all that's happened..."

      "It has to be connected. I just don't know how."

Ethan nodded and looked ahead.

He hesitantly walked in front of where Nova was sitting, facing her directly.

       "What are you doing?" Nova sighed.

       "What's your favorite song?" Ethan asked.

She searched it on her smart pad and held it up to show it to him.


Ethan gestured for her to give him the smart pad. She reluctantly handed it to him. He played the song and set it down on a table. Nova gave him a look as if to say 'And?'.  He hesitantly offered Nova his hand. Reluctantly, she put her hand in his and stood up. She didn't look joyful or pleased; her face was still.

Ethan put an arm around her waist and started rocking back and forth so strangely that she had to laugh. They started laughing, twirling around to forget all the worries.

    "You know, you're a pretty terrible dancer," Nova remarked.

    "Is that so?" He replied.

    "Yeah. I don't mind though."

He laughed. Nova didn't mind any of it. She didn't mind being barefoot on the grass, dancing randomly with no cares for the world. She didn't mind. She didn't mind at all.


   "I can't find anything," Jade sighed in frustration.

   "There's no way they would just have this information lying around," Mason considered.

   "This is ridiculous," Jade huffed.

   "What else could we do? Other than telling Elliot-"

    "We're not doing that. End of story."

Mason sighed.

     "Okay. The source. Any new information?" Mason asked.

     "Not a thing."

     "You're not...actually considering going back to the moon. Are you?"

      "Of course not. We'd be killed instantly."

Mason looked at her for a moment.

     "I can tell that's not all you're thinking."

     "What if we have to do it though? What if we don't have a choice?" Jade asked.

    "As long as he doesn't find out, what could go wrong?"

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